Hello Abi, thanks for anther refreshing post. It's great to think of the wonderful talent SS has writing FF's for them. It's always a pleasure reading this story.
"In your future, I can see-" Alicia started, putting her fingertips on her temples and the corner of her mouth twitching as she looked over at Emily. Hermione and Ginny burst out laughing. "A one armed... Floor length... Silvery sort of colour... It's hard to explain, I'll shout when I see it"
I'd love to borrow Alicia. I have to go grocery shopping, and I'm so tired of making my menu for the week, and getting to the store only to find they're out of stock on a bunch of items, and then I have to spend yet longer than normal time finding substitute meals. Alicia could make things so much easier on me. Teasing aside, the girls are lucky to have her to shop with them.
"Pansy thinks that I kissed him..." Alicia answered, shaking her head. She turned her back on the window. "Oh, sorry Winston! Let's see it, then!"
Alicia doesn't seem worried about this at all! Pansey can be so much trouble for her. She should try to look at the future and see if she or Pansey are sporting black eyes or worse.
I'm sure the girls will all look lovely in there new dresses. Well, we know Hermione does. I was about to ask if you was going to let us know when the dresses pending approval will be ok'd. But, it's ok, I'll just check back now and then.
Great post Abi. I'll be watching for the next.