Hello Harita! You always make these one shots so enjoyable to read. I love reading them. I see Harry sitting very tired at his desk, and feel sad and lonely for his struggle of the fear that persists him after all these years. Then l see him put this fear and his report to the back of his mind as he listens and ponders the song on the radio. I am thrilled that he sets aside his report and his fear that he's been occupied with and goes to bed where the love of his life is sleeping without him. His love for her is felt as he holds her in his arm and kisses her. And the words softly spoken to Ginny are so sweet. I wish she heard them. I bet she did. Great job Harita. Beautiful writing. I want to ask you something about "RJ Nightingale" I thought it was his name, but when you put, the, in front then you are saying it is his profession? Correct? In America we call them, "DJ" for "Disc Jockey"
Harry looked at the radio as the RJ’s voice cut through his thoughts…
It's fine if they are called RJ's over there, I was just making sure we are speaking of the same thing.
Great writing Harita. I'll be watching for your next one shot. You are so great at them.