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Gold's green eyes flickered with concern, when she saw how dizzy Lexi looked. Though she was glad that the younger Gryffindor was cheerful, and had found the lesson fun. She had not expected the hug, however; and that was why, when Lexi hugged her, Gold was actually thrown off her balance. It was a pleasant surprise, though. Returning the hug, Gold smiled down at her Kitty!Bestie. Hehehe.
"Come on, let me help you back to the castle." Because she could tell Lexi was still a bit off-balance.
Oh, and there was another person who looked exhausted. Ellie. If Gold remembered correctly, the Ravenclaw had been a puppeh. In fact, one that had scared Kitty!Gold, now that the "real" Gold thought of it. The memory was rather fuzzy, but it was definitely there. Kitty!Gold, scared of Puppy!Ellie. The thought made her smile, now.
"You alright?" She asked Ellie, before adding, "I was pretty scared of you, as a kitten."
Ellie looked up at a new voice. Someone she'd seen around quite often, but never got a chance to meet.
"I'm alright," she shrugged and smiled. Oh no! She
scared someone?!
"I'm so sorry! I hope I didn't do anything too bad..." Merlin it was awful! not knowing what you've been up to. Especially when someone says you
scared them. And Ellie would never hurt a fly in human form... usually.