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Old 06-15-2010, 12:55 PM   #404 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

New post! This is the rest of chpater 5 And the end of year 3

Emily staggered out of the forest, in her human form, with Remus right behind her. It was the next morning and Emily didn’t get any sleep. Remus filled her in on everything that happened with Sirius and Emily put in her share. He was disappointed that she didn’t trust him enough to tell him about the journal and her secret meetings with her father. The two made their way to Remus’ office. Emily was worried about Sirius. She didn’t know what happened after Remus turned hairy. What if he got caught? What if the Dementors got him?

Emily wrestled with the thought of him getting a Dementor’s Kiss. The thought made her sick to her stomach. Remus went to his desk and searched the Marauder’s Map for any sign of Sirius Black.

“He’s not on here!” Remus shouted as his fist pounded the table. Emily didn’t wait around; she didn’t have a nice little chat with Remus or rest from the night’s events. She ran straight to the Headmaster’s office.

Emily shouted the password to Dumbledore’s office impatiently to the two warlocks. They went on about rudeness that she didn’t pay attention to as she ran past them and up the winding staircase. She knocked on the door, breathing heavily.

“Enter,” she heard a voice say.

Emily went through the door, staring at the man with bespectacled glasses. Emily noticed that he wasn’t at all surprised to see her and that he was quite enjoying himself.

“Professor, what’s happened to Sirius Black?” she asked quietly. He motioned for her to sit down and she did.

“Your father has escaped with the help of a few friends,” Dumbledore said quietly.

“He—he’s alive?” Emily asked in shock.

“Yes, as far as I am aware,” he said.

“So, he’s on the run now?”

“I imagine so,”
he chuckled.

Emily breathed easily as she realized that he wasn’t dead and that his soul was still with him. “Good,” she said. “He is innocent, professor,” Emily whispered.

“I know,”
Dumbledore said.

Emily looked up into the old wizard’s face. It looked like he was x-raying her. “Thanks, professor, I’ll let you get back to what you were doing. Sorry for the intrusion,” she said as she stood to leave.

“Just a moment longer, Miss Black,” Dumbledore said quietly. Emily glanced back at him, already at the door. She cocked her head to the side in confusion and then sat back down.

“Is something wrong, professor?”

“Nothing is wrong. I just want to say that you handled last night with Mr. Weasley quite well. He’s worried about you. I assume you haven’t gone to see him yet?”
Emily shook her head. “Emily, if you hadn’t been there last night, I don’t think even Harry and Hermione would have made it out of the forest, so thank you,” Dumbledore said with a smile. Emily nodded, not saying anything.

“That is all,” he said. Dumbledore nodded once and Emily left to go look for another boy whom she needed to talk to.

Emily walked slowly up the stairs to Fred and George’s dormitory. She knocked on the door once before going in. Everybody was gone except for one. George’s curtains were closed, and she heard him move under his covers. Sighing, she opened the curtains a fraction. Emily slipped in, opening the curtains slightly around his four-poster. She prodded him with her hand gently. He refused to open his eyes.

“Stop being stubborn and talk to me,” she whispered.

“I can’t believe you never told me,” he whispered, is eyes still tightly shut. “I’m supposed to be your best friend, your—” George cut off abruptly, opening his eyes to look at her. “Never mind, it doesn’t matter,” he whispered as he turned his body to the side.

“George, you know there’s more to it than just not telling you. I couldn’t tell you. Remus didn’t want people to know.” Emily tried nudging him to look at her. “I’m glad you got back okay,” she whispered.

“Are you?” he asked in a mocking tone.

“How can you even ask me that? Don’t you know what you mean—that’s just—don’t ever question my—George,” she whispered. “You can close your eyes from the things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart on the things you don’t want to feel.”

George scooted over to get more comfortable, but he still wouldn’t look at her. Emily took her chance and scooted beside him. She lay on her side, facing him. His eyes were tightly shut. He’s always so stubborn, she thought with a sigh. The small bed made for a close proximity. Their knees grazed each other, their heads almost touching.

“Georgie,” she whispered, touching his cheek with the back of her hand. His eyes, still closed, softened. His lips parted as he sighed at her touch.

“Ems,” he whispered. He opened his eyes slowly, meeting her gaze. Her eyes were of the sea. It wasn’t hard to get lost in them.

Emily stared deep into his soft brown eyes. Her stomach knotted and her heart swelled. Why did she have to miss out on that first chance? Instead of fighting and arguing, they could have been laughing and in love. George’s hand made its way to her cheek, her hair. He scooted closer to her, which wasn’t that far seeing as they were pretty close. Her hair ran through his fingers as he moved his hand to her spine. Her hand subconsciously moved to his waist. George made his move—his face was mere millimeters from hers when—

“George! I noticed you didn’t go to Hogsmeade and I wanted to—” Angelina faltered. She looked horror struck as she watched Emily roll over and off of his bed. George turned to face Angelina, a frown etched in his appearance.

“Emily, wait!” he said as she made for the door.

“I can’t, George. There will always be someone in the way, and maybe that’s a sign,” she said quietly. She continued through the door. Instead of going to collapse on her bed and cry her sorrows away, she instead decided to go see Remus and try to make him not be so hard on himself.

Emily walked down the hall and saw the back of Remus’ head. He had his entire luggage with him.

Cocking her head to the side in confusion, Emily sped up to catch him. “Rems, where are you going?” Emily asked, catching her breath.

“I’m leaving, Ems. Resigned first thing this morning,” he sighed.

“Why? Remus, honestly, everything is fine, and you know it won’t happen again.”

“Ems, I can’t take the chance. As I just finished telling Harry, Severus told everyone he could about my...condition and the parents won’t want, well they won’t want someone like me teaching their children. No arguments, Ems, I’m not in the best of mood.”
Remus sighed

“Fine then, at least let me walk you out,” Emily said as she took the Grindylow tank from his hand. Remus smiled swiftly at her.

“I’d like that,” he said.

“Good because it’s happening whether you like it or not,” Emily laughed. Remus chuckled.

As the Hogwarts Express pulled in to King’s Cross Station, Emily made her way over to the Morgan’s with her trunk, her turtle cage, and Bluejeans. Mr. Morgan automatically took her trunk and her owl. Emily gave Mrs. Morgan a hug as she took Padfoot, her turtle from Emily. Emily took the smiling Allison from her hands.

“Hiya, cutie!” she said happily to the baby. “Did you miss me?” she asked in her baby voice. Allison giggled and started playing with Emily’s curls.

“Remus didn’t want to cause a field day with the parents, so he asked us to pick you up,” Mr. Morgan explained.

“I figured as much,” Emily sighed. “But that’s okay, isn’t it?” Emily asked the little girl in her arms with her baby voice. “Because I get to see you,” she said while tapping Allison’s nose with her forefinger. Allison giggled again and grabbed Emily’s finger.

“How was school?” Mrs. Morgan asked with a chuckle.

“Er, dramatic,” Emily said with a laugh.

*And cue complaining

Last edited by Emileyn; 08-10-2010 at 10:10 PM.
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