Originally Posted by
Ameh The cart thing was the worst part of the banking experience for most people. Those whose stomachs were made of weaker things sometimes couldn't handle it. As it was, TJ just... wasn't a fan of the curves. As a kid, he'd imagined just flying right out of the cart and into the wall and dying a horrible painful death...
He'd been a slight, very easy-to-toss child.
Still, he was much older (and much heavier) now. He couldn't help but grip onto the edge of the cart however, minding his fingers so they wouldn't end up bashing off something and disappearing.
Even though the cart was quick and Sturnik was silent, the ride was not particularly fast as far as getting to their destination went. It was a good hour of stomach churning, neck breaking speed before the cart dropped again even lower, whizzing past the four hundred level vaults and narrowly avoiding turning off at a sign marked 'Here be Dragons', though the line above was apparently written in Gobbledegook and was far more noticeable in the split second the sign was visible.
Sturnik appeared to be connected to the cart, he didn't sway around, or bump the sides or even grip on the same way most passengers needed to.
Also, he had a bit of a seatbelt on.
They dropped to the
500 level.
ooc: please post in the given thread.