"'Course I remember you!" Adam laughed, sitting on the arm of Namitha's chair, so he could speak to both of the girls. "Tyler? He's around somewhere. I saw him before, in Hogsmead, but I was a bit hyper then." He laughed at the incident with the Sugar Quills, and rand a hand through his hair. "Oh, it's been good. I passed my OWL's!" Had he told her the story of why he was a year behind? Well, it was still good that he passed, he was glad, anyways. "How's yours been? Going to go to this ball thing?"
Namitha asked,
'Oh...how many OWLs did you get?'.She hoped he wouldn't mind being asked to how many OWls he got.
'And that ball thing...no...you?' Quote:
"Wasssgood?" Tyler asked, with some laughter in his voice. Feeling Adam sit down next to him, Tyler kept concentrating on his board, but still paid attentioon when Ad talked to him. "Thanks. Been doing it for a couple years but Lucy started getting scared I was going to kill myself doing tricks, so no more street skating," he shurgged and kept trying to tighten his trucks.
Uh oh.
"Yup, if they got any looser, I'd fall just riding on it," he said and decided to just take them off. Looking at the parts, Ty saw that they had become rusted. How? "Great, now I need new trucks. Which means new bearrings and bolts and maybe even wheels. I'm not mobileless," he laughed and threw the board on the floor
Namitha saw him coming.
'Oh...talk of the devil-Tyler's here',she said