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Well, that's what we did last year on vacation. Clearly. You don't need MULTIPLE museums of that sort.
Buttt. *POUT* Quote:
I’m still kind of miffed about last night and mentally Silencio her. Or myself. That spell is really unclear.
Hehehe. Quote:
Our cottage is bright pink, with these frilly curtains and enormous roses on the wallpaper. The place is TOO pink, actually. Pink rugs on the hard wood floors, pink cushions on the furniture, pink-lined dishes in the drying rack by the sink. Brad says he feels trapped in a bottle of Pepto Bismal. I say it reminds me of Umbridge’s office, minus the kittens.
LOL. I love pink, but THAT much would drive even me, crazy. xD Brad is awesome, by the way. Pepto Bismol and all. xD AND, of course, the Harry Potter reference. =D Quote:
Mom left breakfast on the table. I sprain my wrist trying to saw off a slice of bread from the rock hard loaf, which I have to eat plain because we don’t have butter yet and the jelly is orange. Are colors crazy here or have my eyeballs exploded back into my head? The world is bright pink and my jelly is orange.
You know I love reading this, right? =D Quote:
Plus the bread tastes like a towel.
It looks so much like summer to me. There are kids hanging off a rope swing and splashing around in the water. A few families have kayaks and canoes they are slinging off the end of the dock. I even see Brad chatting up a group of pretty girls. He has somehow lost his shirt.
Merlin, just knock them over the head and drag them home already, Arm Pit.
Bwaha. I'm actually starting to like Brad more and more, as the story progresses. Arm Pit. xD Quote:
Just past her, I see him standing on the end of the dock. Him. Stepping straight out of every fantasy I’ve had since I first read Philospher’s Stone. Him. HIM.
Harry Potter is on my vacation.
Harry Potter-look alike? OR Harry Potter? *FLAILS*
Totally patient, yet. Not.