Another post!!!!! *dances around Ern*
I’m still kind of miffed about last night and mentally Silencio her. Or myself. That spell is really unclear.
Aren't we all a bit confused about that one. Ahhh the things we ponder!
I sprain my wrist trying to saw off a slice of bread from the rock hard loaf, which I have to eat plain because we don’t have butter yet and the jelly is orange. Are colors crazy here or have my eyeballs exploded back into my head? The world is bright pink and my jelly is orange.
O_________O Ewwww.....
“What?” But really… for WHICH thing? Being a Neanderthal, being annoying, or telling me that the best thing about Harry Potter is that Emma Watson is hot? As if that’s a GOOD THING.
There you go Brad!!!

We have that in common!
Sorry Ern (and Ally) for going all BOY on you in here.
I even see Brad chatting up a group of pretty girls. He has somehow lost his shirt.
A girl with red hair brushes past me. Ginger. They call it ginger here, right? Like ginger ale and gingersnaps and my mom’s fantastic ginger chicken, all of which are brown. But the girl has Weasley-red hair, and so I mouth the word as I look at her. Ginger.

That is too funny that she mouthed Ginger at that girl!!!
Harry Potter is on my vacation.
*gaspeth!!!* Could it be?!
Awesome post yet again Ern, keep it up! *poofs away*