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Kel's eyes widened slightly at her answer. Boys must be more shy than he thought... that was kind of sad. But, um, anway, moving on... "Oh yeah, they're both magical." he told her, sounding vaguely annoyed at the fact. Or, perhaps, more than just vaguely.
"What about you?" he asked, twirling her again. "What do your parents do?" Yeah, he pretty much failed epically at small talk. But oh well, that was just the way he was.
Emmy's smile widened as Keltan twirled her again - and then almost vanished completely when she registered his tone of voice.
Oh no, I've said the wrong thing again, haven't I? Please don't just walk off! she prayed, biting her lip, and unconciously gripping him a little tighter than she had before...
"Oh, um, my parents are both muggles actually..." she trailed off, and then rallied again. "My mum's an opera diva, and my dad's a bank manager..." Boriiiiing. Why couldn't her father have an interesting job?