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One page of my brother Brad posting next to giant stacks of tires, one page of my dad sleeping in the car, and the only page anyone wrote in their journals. It said “Akron has no beaches” 127 times. I would have written it more, but my pen disappeared on the trip home.
As if last time, there was some invisible third sibling who really LOVES rubber.
Good God, this is too funny. xD Quote:
My mom is driving, even though she’s sitting on the passenger side and driving on the wrong side of the street. My dad is asleep (this is what he does on most of our vacations). Brad is ignoring me. No loss.
Aww. Awesome depiction. =pp Quote:
“Mom, much as I love you for skipping the museums devoted to petroleum products on this trip, your lack of Potter knowledge is shameful. Everyone knows Hogwarts is in Scotland.”
PETROLEUM! Excuse me, while I hyperventilate. This is what this engineer plans to specialize in. And, while I hyperventilate, we'll ignore that the museums were skipped, shall we? =pp
BUT! Mean Ally. MEANNNNN. *pokes her* Quote:
“Oh.” She starts watching the road, and I know I hurt her feelings. Brad knows it too.
“Shut up, Ug.” He is so lulzy and stuff. Leigh is my middle name. Get it? Ug-leigh?
LOL. Just ... LOL! Quote:
My friend Kat says he’s hot, but he’s more of an Arm Pit than a Brad Pitt. My brother, the Arm Pit of humanity.
LOVE this bit. *saves it* xD Quote:
Imagine being this close to places I’ve only ever dreamed about… and not getting to see any of it.
That's actually very painful, if you do take out the time to imagine it. I would rather not be that close, if I know I won't get to see a place I hold that dear. Then again, I might want to be that close after all, in the hopes that I might somehow get to see the place. Dilemmas. xD Quote:
She says I’d better go to my room before she Avada Kedavra’s my face. Except she says “abracadaver,” but I get mad anyway.
My dad says that! Or something like that. xD AND he hasn't not read the books, either! He's read most of them. Like, seriously. He translated one of them into another language, for the fun of it.
.... and he still pronounces that wrong.
The good part is that he gets my Potter mania, watches the movies with me, and doesn't pronounce anything else wrong. =D Quote:
Tomorrow. Tomorrow my vacation begins.
I'm looking forward to that.
*awaits update*
But no pressure.