At the loony bin ❣ Ubiquitous ❣ Brain!nvader ❣ !Wake The Dead¡ Accio Lily Evans!: 1. Accio
Sitting at the Gryffindor table for Breakfast the Maurders ate their heart desire before their Quidditch match against Slytherins. Lazily lounging and picking on food that was levitating above and around them. Perhaps for Sirius and James, maybe some would call it showing off a bit… or much.
“Would you please use your hands” Remus remarked finally not being able to contain his temper with the abuse, well over abuse in his opinion, of the ‘Accio’ spell by Sirius and James. “There is absolutely no excuse” he added on frustratingly biting into his omelets, “everything is so close enough to your plate and I KNOW you wanted to pour that milk on me Sirius. It was no accident”.
“That was an accident my friend” Sirius said innocently.
With Remus’s return of a glare, he sighed.
“Alright don’t get your knickers tied into a knot” Sirius mused putting his wand beside his plate and started using his fork. James on the other hand was squinting his eyes and targeting his wand down the table towards Lily Evans, “the things I’d do just to Accio her to me” he sighed.
All the marauders hollered with laughter.
Last edited by Blackwidow; 06-09-2010 at 11:31 AM.
Reason: inventing nonexistent words