OMG Ern is writing again!?

I will read this one all the way through since I am here for the beginning and because I looooove it like WOAH!
Part 1 Quote:
and the only page anyone wrote in their journals. It said “Akron has no beaches” 127 times. I would have written it more, but my pen disappeared on the trip home
Toooo funneh!

I can just here the little tenge of sadness behind those words for the lost pen. What else was there to do, honestly?!
As if last time, there was some invisible third sibling who really LOVES rubber.
I love this girl!
Part 2 Quote:
“Shut up, Ug.” He is so lulzy and stuff. Leigh is my middle name. Get it? Ug-leigh?
Hmmmm...he's an intelligent one isn't he?

*que sarcastic voice*
Part 3
Mom’s flipping. She just realized half my suitcase is packed with all seven Harry Potter books, companion books, and lexicons, instead of clothes and stuff.
Sounds alot like me....just not quite to that extent.
Awesome start Ern! I can not wait until the rest of the story, I have suscribed!