Woman cannot survive the morning on chocolate alone You can quote, disagree with, glorify or vilify me But about the only thing you can't do is ignore me
Sarah awoke. She looked at the date, and saw it was the first Hogsmeade weekend. She trembled and got out of bed to open her trunk and choose what to wear. She eventually choose the outfit her dad he brought her on the first day they had spent together, and looked in the mirror, deciding what to do with her hair and eyes, and went for shoulder length black hair like her dad, and hazel eyes, like her mother she had been told. She went down into the common room and sat in a chair waiting for Harry, Ron and Hermione to wake and come down. She settled herself into her book, and waited for them to wake. Eventually they came into the room, yawning and bleary-eyed. Sarah shut her book and looked at her watch. 'Really, it takes you lot 2 hours to get up? And I thought I could be bad on a mornings.' She enquired. 'Come on, I want to eat. Woman cannot survive the morning on chocolate alone.' 'I don't know how you manage Sarah.' Said Harry with a slight grin. After breakfast, they all lined up by Filch to go out. After a quick few checks they set off. 'Right who wants Honey-dukes?' Sarah asked. 'My secret supply is running low.' With laughter and agreeing from the other 3, they set off for the warmth of the shop, and emerged with big bags of sweets, which Hermione labelled and put in her small secret bag. They wandered down the street, when at the end, a big shaggy shape appeared at the end of the street. Sarah look at the shape, then at the 3 who had grins on their faces. 'What the...' she started before she was knocked over by the shaggy dog. She stared at the dog, then it gave her a big lick. 'Hello Sirius.' said Harry. 'Dad? Where!?' said Sarah, her head swivelling round. 'In front of you' said a voice, before a hand pulled her to her feet. 'Hello Dad. I take it you were the big dog?' Sarah asked Sirius. 'You got it.' Sirius replied with a grin, before pulling her into a rib crushing hug. 'Isn't he a bit old Sarah!' screeched a voice? Sarah turned round with disgust to see Pansy. 'Well, A. He's my Dad, and B. At least I can get a boyfriend because I don't look like a girl who took Polyjuice potion containing a pug hair.' Sarah retorted back, which wiped the smile from Pansy's face, and caused everyone to laugh as Pansy run away bright red. Sirius let go of Sarah. 'I've only been gone for 2 months dad, not 2 years.' Sarah said. 'When all you have is Kreacher round the house, it feels like 2 years.' said Sirius with a grin. 'Lets see the Metamorphmagus then' Sarah concentrated and her hair went into blond locks, then back to black shoulder length waves. She grinned up at her fathers face.
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Sirius look at down at his daughters face with that cheeky grin he had missed so much. Suddenly the sky darkened. He pulled Sarah close to him as streams of Black flew and hit the ground. 'Hahahahah!' he heard a voice laugh he recognised as his cousin Bellatrix. Sarah buried her head in his chest. 'What's happening Dad!?' She asked, with terror in her voice. 'Oh look! It's my dear old Cousin Sirius! And whats this?' Bellatrix asked before Sirius felt Sarah pulled away by magic. 'No!' he gasped. He was not going to lose her again. 'It's my cousin's little girl! Well, I always like causing chaos. So I will be on my way with this little child. What say you Master?' Bellatrix asked, and to his horror, he heard a voice, a voice that terrified all who heard.
'I see no reason why. We always need new death eaters.' Said Voldemort. 'DAD!' Sarah screamed, and before he could get to her, she was gone, the darkness was gone, and all that was left of her was an echo in the wind. 'SARAH!' he yelled. Only a few moments ago he was hugging her, she was grinning up, then she had her head buried in his chest with fear. 'Sarah? SARAH?' yelled the trio. But she was gone, and he didn't know when he might see his baby girl again...
__________________  ... PESSIMISTIC ... AMBITIOUS ... RECKLESS ...
Last edited by Ruby85; 06-26-2010 at 06:56 PM.