New smallish post!
Emily walked down to the Great Hall to scavenge whatever was left for breakfast. She was parched and extremely hungry. Ginny was halfway down the table, alone, waiting for her. Ginny waved her over, and Emily smiled a little.
“I’ve been waiting on you to eat,” Ginny said.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Emily said.
“I wanted to.” Ginny shrugged her shoulders. Emily sat down and started piling food onto her plate. She felt like she could eat a horse. After helping herself to two waffles, bacon, eggs, and toast, Emily sighed in content. Before she realized what was happening, Cedric was sitting across from her and Ginny. He smiled slightly.
“’Morning,” he said.
“’Morning,” Emily replied. She grabbed her juice and took a swig.
Cedric studied her.
“I’ve changed our plans,” he said.
Emily carefully placed her juice back on the table.
“What do you mean?” Emily asked. Her heart sank as she thought that he was about to break off their date.
“I’ve decided to change it to an all day thing. I’ll meet you in the Entrance Hall in an hour. Hope you’re ready for this,” Cedric smirked. He leaned across the table and kissed her cheek, and then he left. Emily stared after him, the blood rushing to her face. She glanced at Ginny, who was smiling broadly. They both started giggling, and then Emily stopped abruptly. Ginny died her own laughing down and looked at Emily worriedly.
“What’s wrong?” Ginny asked.
“What am I going to wear?” Emily asked with huge eyes.
Ginny started laughing at Emily’s expression.
“Come on, let’s go figure it out,” she said.
Emily nodded and followed Ginny out of The Great Hall. In the Common Room, the girls passed George, Fred, and Lee. Emily looked at them and then looked away quickly. She could sense George’s eyes on her but she refused to meet them. Meeting his eyes was one of the most dangerous things for Emily right now. She would get lost in them, and she would never be able to get over him. A voice in Emily’s head was telling her to look at George and get lost in his soft brown eyes. The voice was telling her that she could try, but she would never be able to get over George Weasley.
She pushed the voice aside and headed for her dormitory. Ginny beat her there by a few seconds and was already throwing choices of clothing on the bed.
“I found it!” exclaimed Ginny.
“Found what?” Emily asked curiously with a smile playing around her mouth.
“The shirt I wanted to borrow. Can I?” Ginny asked innocently with huge eyes.
Emily rolled her eyes.
“Focus, Gin, we need to figure out my clothing crisis first.”
“Oh, right,” Ginny said. She turned her attention back to Emily’s wardrobe and started rummaging through it for an outfit.
After about ten minutes, Ginny pulled out a baby blue, long sleeve mini dress and a pair of white knee leggings. She showcased them to Emily and Emily nodded her approval. She closed the curtains around her bed and changed into the newly picked outfit. The dress fit snug to her curves. Ginny grinned at Emily’s reflection in the mirror. Emily grabbed her wand from her bed and stuck it to her lip, deep in thought.
“What do you think?” Emily asked.
“Ummm, straight,” Ginny decided. Emily nodded and flicked her wand at her hair. It went pin straight in less than a second. The girls nodded their heads in approval.
“How much time do I have?” Emily asked.
Ginny glanced at her watch.
“Thirty minutes or so,” Ginny said. Emily nodded.
“Makeup,” Emily said to herself. She pulled out a makeup bag and started drumming through it for her mascara. Deciding she wasn’t in the mood for mess ups, Emily grabbed her wand. Emily muttered a spell under her breath and all of her makeup started dancing around in the air. Emily closed her eyes and sat there without moving. All of the makeup applied itself. Seven minutes later, Emily opened her eyes and her makeup went back to its bag without a flutter.
“You look great, Ems,” Ginny said.
Emily stood up and looked into the mirror.
“Not too shabby,” she said. Emily grabbed her white ballet flats and slipped her feet into them. She turned around and asked,
“How do I look?”
“Amazing!” said Ginny.
“Let’s go downstairs!” Ginny jumped off of Emily’s bed and grabbed her hand, heading for the door. Emily stayed rooted to the spot.
“You go ahead, I’ll be right there,” Emily said. Ginny gave her a questioning look but didn’t argue. She dropped Emily’s hand and skipped down the stairs.
Emily went to her side table and opened a drawer. She pulled out a small box. Opening it, she grabbed the quill on top and the unused parchment underneath. She started writing.
I told them I’d get over you, but how can I when you’re everything to me? How can I get over you when I know we’re meant to be together? I know that you’re my prince charming, Georgie. I read this quote one time—it’s so true. It says “You have to slay a couple of dragons before you get to the prince.” So that’s what I’m doing, Georgie. I’m slaying the dragons so I can finally get to you, so I can finally be with you. Because without you, life is like a pencil without lead—pointless. I told Freddie last night that relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken rather than hurt yourself by trying to put it back together. Believe me; our relationship is worth a few cuts from the glass, George. I would take a gazillion gashes from glass before I ever let you go. Love is a battlefield, baby. And I’m going to stand in that field with my wand held high, fighting for you.
Love Always,
Emily folded the piece of parchment and placed it in the box with the other letters that were all headed the same way. She placed the quill on top, closed the box, and pushed it back into its place, closing the drawer. Emily sighed and then went to join Ginny downstairs until it was time for her date with Cedric. She found Ginny by the fireplace in one of the good chairs. There were quite a few people around the fireplace.
“Hey guys,” Emily said.
“Hey, Ems,” Ginny exclaimed. She scooted over on her chair and patted the seat beside her. Emily smiled and squeezed into the chair with Ginny.
“You look great, Ems,” said Fred while the others nodded in agreement.
“What’s the special occasion?”
“I…have a date with Cedric,” she said hesitantly.
“Diggory?” George asked. He grimaced as Emily nodded.
“He’s bloody awful at Quidditch,” he said.
“Last time I checked, he was pretty amazing at Quidditch, George Weasley. Besides, you should know, I only date good Quidditch players,” Emily said with a huff. It was a low blow, but she didn’t care. He had no right to be jealous, no right to insult Cedric the way he did.
George’s face grew extremely red. Everyone, including Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Fred, and Lee, stayed quiet.
“Then why, in the name of Merlin, would you ever date D—” George started, his voice raising.
“George Weasley!” Emily screeched.
“How dare you! You have no right! You are such a JERK! You moved on first! Now it’s my turn! So, back off and let me move on!” Emily yelled at him. She glared at George and he glared back. She stood up quickly and ran from the room.
She ran into the nearest cupboard and sat down. She didn’t cry. Emily Black was too irate to cry. She wanted to
kill George Weasley. She couldn’t believe he almost told one of her deepest secrets. She couldn’t believe he, one of the sweetest guys she knew, would insult somebody the way he did Cedric. And she couldn’t believe that it all just made her more in love with the guy. Emily couldn’t help but think about the way his nose flares when he’s angry or how his cute little fists ball up when he can’t control his shaking. There was no way she could get the way his adorable little ears turn brick red out of her head. She was head over heels in love with him, and nobody and nothing would ever change it.
*The quote about slaying dragons, life is like a pencil, and relationships are like glass are all from Bumper Stickers on Facebook... As you can tell, I love bumper stickers.

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