Originally Posted by
Yay! New update! It was great as usual Jess! This is where everything got confusing and interesting. Yay for drama!
Awwhh, thanks!

I knowwwwwww, all of the drama. Eeeekkk!
New post up next!
Originally Posted by
Woo drama!! Love it jess haha I forgot about the stupid blonde part. Trixie officially feels loved I can tell you that xx amazing piece of writing from an amazing author!!! EH but now things get dramatic!! I would send glomps but I'm on the iPod so I'll just write this instead xxxx pams xx

I just had to put that part in about the stupid blonde it made me crack up.

Awhhhh; -tackle/glomps youhh-
tehe. Don't worry I can feel the love of the glomps. :rofl:
Originally Posted by
LOL at the Wishing Fountain! That was so... well.. dramatic! hahahh. Looking forward to the next one!

I know right? Ahhh, so much drama!!

Glad you liked it!!
Originally Posted by
Heheh! I love the whole drama part. It's where the Love Pentagon begins

Haha, awesome entry Jess, I loved it!!

I know, I know!
Just think if this never happened, ....wait what would happen if this never happened? -ish confuzzled-

Thank youhh Emily!