Thread: The Back Alley
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Old 06-04-2010, 02:41 AM   #27 (permalink)
Formerly: DracikinsLuver4321
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JALIA♥|| Pat&Vanessa♥ ||DAN CER|| [The future Mrs. Efron] || Miss OCD chick

Originally Posted by Hermione<3Ron View Post
"Oh..." She said trailing off. How was she supposed to know he told Ella that she would appreciate it? "I'll give her a chance's going to be hard getting used to her being...nice." She said thinking of Ella as nice. *shudder*

Vanessa listened as he told her about Trixie. "I couldn't believe she lost most of her memory though, it's horrible." She said sighing. "And I met Milo..her boyfriend and then I talked to her and then apparently the broke up." She said feeling horrible for her friend. How could she go through so much?
"I know it will be hard but maybe her being nice can result in a great friendship," Patrick suggested, offering his thoughts. You never knew what one thing led to. Ella being nice? Yeah that was a really crazy thought. Maybe he'd find it more enjoyable someday.

Patrick just sighed and gave her a look like 'I've heard that a 1,000 times so please stop'. He hated hearing her say it when he already felt bad enough about it. "Thanks to Miss Ella," he added after she mentioned Milo. Didn't she accidentally ruin them or something? "I don't think that kid likes me. I'd like to punch him for making Trixie suffer to be truthful."
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