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Leenah scrambed down from her chair and tried to get a piece of bacon. She began jumping to get it, but she still couldn't get it. When Meekaylah asked what they were doing she turned to her. "I want to go swimming," she said. "Can I have a waffle?" She loved waffles. Then she continued jumping to try to get a piece of bacon. Izayah rolled out of his bed and lay on the ground for a few minutes. Then he stood up and got dressed. He looked at his bedroom before walking down the stairs. He made sure to go quietly and carefully, so the stairs wouldn't squeak. When he got into the kitchen he made sure he wasn't seen and walked up to Kahree. He jumped out in front of her and stole apiece of her bacon, because he knew hoe much she loved bacon, and quickly stuffed it in his mouth. Kahree was still singing under her breath and staring vaguely into space in her halfway there way, not noticing her little brother being all ninja-like behind her.
Now the milkman's on his way, it's too late to say goodnight..
Aaand then, her bacon was snatched. Nooooo!! But- but- it was
bacon! Didn't everyone in this family know not to mess with Ree's bacon? She looked around for the their- Izayah. Nomming on her last piece. Hmph. She should've known. Luckily for her little brother, Ree litterally had no temper, so yelling and hitting wasn't even a possibility. She just stared at him in a quizzical way, the kind that made everyone awkward and guilty.