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Old 05-28-2010, 08:45 PM
Hermione_loves_Ron Hermione_loves_Ron is offline
Default The Floo Network Stations

In a secluded area of the Leaky Cauldron sits two fireplaces that seem to have never burned one log of wood. But with a closer look it become apparant that the fireplace is in fact used for flooing. Lucy has set up the fireplace with an insta-ash cleaning spell. Once an individual steps out of the chimney all of the ash is swept up in a gust of wind.

Floo is one of the two ways to enter the Leaky Cauldron. So Lucy asks that the fireplaces only be used by those entering the Leaky Cauldron. Apparation is prohibited in the pub as well as exiting the Leaky Cauldron via floo.