I just realised that I didn't really comment on the story at all did I?
Sorry about that, I was in shock!!!
Anyway, I liked it alot. Are we going to find out who Skar and Septimus' parents are??
Weird question I know because it may be obvious but I want to know the exact descriptions.
I like Lily's character in this alot!!!!
I also love Lily in the new movie, SUPER CUTE!!!!!
Sorry, rambling on here!!!
I'll work on the story as much as I can! I've got a BIG big performance coming up next weekend and a baby shower today. [COLOR]
I love baby showers!!!!A relative??I'm nosey!!!!!LOL
Good luck with the performance, what are you doing?Nosey again!!!!LOL
Hehe, your welcome. I love reading your stories and your reviews and responses to my reviews
Thank you again! I try my best to give people good reviews and I really try to thanks people for their comments on my story!!
I hope my story is good enough!!! :\
I'm posting tonight!!!!
Thankyou so much!!!!!!!!