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Ron/Hermione 4 eva Lucas nodded back and chuckled at her when she spoke again. Hehe of course! "Transportation. Really?" he was slightly shocked, that was totally cool so he'd met two people from his department now. Okay he was more shocked, but why should he actually be shocked. Well it was obvious that they were going to work together. "Me too, but I've just moved back here. Maybe it's obvious from my slight American accent," he said then muttered to himself, "darn those 5 years, I hope it doesn't take 5 years to get my English accent back!" he hated his accent right now. Okay, now back to the woman, who just said that her name was Briony Whitehall. "Lucas Saywer," he spoke back matching her grin then noticing that she was biting on her lower lip. Why?
Her expression changed to one of very surprised as he said he worked there too. "
I take it you're a new employee here then?" she question, thinking back to almost two years ago when she first arrived at the Ministry. She chuckled at his complaining. "
I figured you had come from America. You're originally from England though right?" He said he wanted his British accent back. Luckily her french would stay with her forever. "
It's a pleasure to meet you Lucas," Briony smiled, only being civil. First introductions were so awkward.