Thread: Harry Potter: Now, Forever, and Always - Sa16+
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Old 05-27-2010, 08:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Default Now, Forever, and Always - Sa16+
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

Alrighty, so this is a double author story by myself and 3uzz3ee, who also goes by Abi This story is about Jamie, Alicia, Draco, and Emily. I hope you enjoy the ride! Everything in the Harry Potter world belongs to the amazing JK Rowling, except for the characters Abi and I have made up, which include Jamie, Alicia, and Emily. I hope you enjoy!

Now, Forever, & Always

Banner by Me

Draco rounded the corner and found an out of breath Emily. She looked up, surprised to see someone else out so early in the morning. It was usually deadly quiet and still at Hogwarts at five in the morning.

“What are you doing up and about this early in the morning?” she asked him.

“I could ask you the same thing,” Draco said.

Emily motioned for him to sit down beside her. He hesitated but eventually gave in. He would always have a soft spot for the red head.

“Why are you up so early?” Draco asked.

“Morning run, helps me think,” she replied. She glanced at him, turning her head. She noticed that he looked paler than usual, which was saying something. “Where were you headed?”

he said shortly.

“For?” she drawled.

“If I wanted to tell you, I would have, Black!” he spat. He turned on her, but then regretted it the moment he saw her expression. She was just trying to make small talk.

“You can’t fool me of all people, Draco. I don’t know what you’re playing at these days, but be bloody sure I’ll stop it if you threaten my friends,” Emily said. She stood up quickly and ran back outside toward the lake.

Draco watched her auburn mane flay out in the wind behind her. He wished he wouldn’t have yelled. That’s what you’re good at, Draco, he thought to himself. You always mess things up, and she’s the prime example. Huffing, Draco turned toward the direction of the owlery.

Emily ran another lap around the school, weaving in and out of the buildings. When she returned to the lake, she collapsed under a tree. The shade had a few gaps in it, and she could feel the heat from the sun beating down on her. She blocked out the sun with her left hand and glanced at her watch in the process. It was seven o’clock. It had been two hours since her encounter with Draco. Draco. Sigh. Would she ever be truly over him? And what was up with his whole Alicia infatuation? Her arm hit the grassy surface with a thud.


Last edited by demented_death_eater; 08-03-2011 at 01:58 AM. Reason: Chapter Guide :)
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