Originally Posted by
Miss Evi3e <3
Yeahh they are! I have a science exam friday, then after half term like 2 french, 2 english, 2 maths and a tech exam....gahhh TOO manyyy!!!!

Yeahhh makes them good characters and good reads

Ohh, im Evangeline

Shall add the link within the next week hopesfully

Gah! I feel bad for you, I have to learn German because apparently puppies pay attention more to that then English and my family is getting a Bernese mountain puppy which I have to train with my brother.
Ooh, thank you! I'm honored
Originally Posted by
Great post!!!! I loved it! So is Amanda Melony Davies related to Roger Davies??

Yes, Roger Davies is her daddy.
Working on it, glad you like it!
And thank you.