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Old 04-12-2010, 01:37 AM
Con_Stripes Con_Stripes is offline
Default Welcome to Scribbulus Everchanging Inks

In the end North end of the Street of Diagon Alley, sandwiched between an Intersecting Alley that leads to Knockturn Alley and Quality Quidditch Supplies, sits a small building made of light gray stones. A peal of small bells made of gold tinkle together in a rather quiet unison as the glass door of the shop opens and reveals the stationary supplies store; brightly lit, -thanks to the front glass window that allows sunlight to filter inside the shop- the smell of the store is a surprisingly pleasant combination of wood, old parchment, ink and, shockingly enough, scented candles.

Every single inch of the store seems to be crammed with shelves full of the artifacts sold at the shop, and though it might look and sound messy, the place is surprisingly organized, and whatever item that costumers might be looking for, can undoubtedly be found easily; rolls of parchment, stationery sets, quills made of the most unthinkable and exotic feathers, and every imaginable sort of decorative paper – you think of it, and this store has it.

Inks are the place’s specialty, and as such, here you'll find ink of every colour and style that you could possibly imagine: Colour-changing inks, scented inks that actually come with flavor, invisible ink, everlasting ink, Charmeable Ink which is useful when you are bored at work or school and feel like making animated doodles, and Self-correcting ink that comes in handy at all times, for it erases and fixes all kinds of grammatical and spelling mistakes you might commit.

Browse the shop at your heart’s desire, and don’t forget to have fun while you are it. Welcome to Scribbulus Everchanging Inks!

Scribbulus Shelves

Watch out while you browse this particular area of the shop - rolls of parchment and bottles of ink keep zooming quickly above your head, re-arranging themselves on their correct shelves. Speaking of shelves, the Scribbulus shelves are absolutely laden with all the artifacts sold in this shop, such as numerous rolls of fresh, new parchment, endless rows of bottles of ink inside their respective inkwells, as well as neatly racked reams of plain bond, stationery sets, and every imaginable sort of decorative paper. In the front of the store, at full display for the people walking down the street, there's a smaller shelf that features, invitations, cards, and the biggest assortment of feather quills you've ever seen.

Scribbulus Counter

Behind the tall and smooth wooden counter, the shopkeeper can normally be found. With a frown on her forehead, the shopkeeper is usually busy sorting through piles of parchment, which would be stock orders, bills, magazines or just plain letters that have been addressed to her. If not, you'll spot her assistant doing whatever it is that she has demanded of him to do. This is the place where you come if you are in need of help, or to pay for the items you wish to acquire.

Scribbulus Stock Room

The stock room of Scribbulus Everchanging Inks is located right behind the counter, hidden behind a tall door. The door of this room is usually locked, and besides the shopkeeper and assistant, only people with her explicit permission can come inside.

Once you are done shopping and leave the shop, you will find yourself back on North end the Street. Come back soon!

Diagon Alley Rules apply at all times. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the Diagon Alley Questions thread.