Join Date: Jul 2003 Location: Never Neverland
Posts: 13,423
Hogwarts RPG Name: Felix Greenwood First Year x1
| DivaDivaDiva ||Candy Cane Mama|| SPOILER!!: Professor Pot Quote:
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz "Cook something? In HISTORY? What is this madness??? Do you WANT to cook? Aw honey, are you hungry?" Lainey knew where to get cupcakes...
... just saying...
Lainey stared at this young Prefect. Blinked. Stared. Blinked. Stared. "You are correct. A bit prophetic, too. You dabble in the hooby dooby wigwam Divination stuffs?" Humm. Anyway.
"You should answer without the lithe at the end, love. Say it like you MEAN it. Convince me that I DO want to!" Lainey PUNCHED the air, clearing away ANY doubt that .... Lainey WANTED the pot on her head. "Errrr..... Hmmm."
"No?" Well. After her little speech to Evelyn, Lainey cleared her throat and amended, "No." ......... "Unless you know something I don't." Did she? Hmm. Lainey would keep TWO eyes on that one. She did a hand signal to the Prefects/Head Boy (snap snap clap snap finger lick feel the breeze) to alert them that they were to watch THAT one.
"You look like you KNOW something. Don't be shy. Or... just do be careful there. Don't strain. Or do some stretches first. Pulled muscles are boars, man."
...... "You keep pots in your pants?" Really?
Gryffindors. Lainey LOVED them, each and every one. Her nose wrinkled and she gave him slow nods. Goooooood Head boy. Goody boy.
"What did you HEAR????" Lainey was instantly SOBERED. All the fun, all the jokes and snorts GONE.
Lainey was NOT SLEEPING in this CASTLE tonight. NOT. If the House Elves were mad at her again.... NO. O___O O__________________________O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lainey went and shut her classroom door and pulled her pot down to cover most of her face. Great MERLIN.
Lainey, once more, performed her hand signals to the prefects. WATCH THIS ONE. ARMED AND PUFFY PUFF!!!! "Cedric, honey, sticks and stones DO break bones. Don't believe everything your momma told you." For real. "Oh Merlin.... I ... did I ask that? I thought I did. Did I just ask it in my head?" Lainey pulled the pot down farther, covering her face so that her voice would echo and reverberate off the stainless steel walls, "WHY DO I HAVE A POT ON MY HEAD??!!!"
"Vegan? I thought you were Trixie?!?!? I don't have an alternative. I'm me all the time...." So.... which was Lainey speaking to NOW? Multiple personalities... Lainey hadn't ever dealt with that, but she was sure she could handle it. Sure. Why not?
Just when Lainey was getting over the SHOCK of potential HOUSE ELF REVENGE.... William goes and THROWS this on her.
What. The. Dung. "I don't know what you mean, William. Don't know why they'd come for me specifically. I'd make a horrible probee. Horrible." But Lainey did give William LOOKS. LOOKS like... do you know something I don't....????. Hmmmm. EEEEEK.
"This is why I love Hufflpuffs. You're just so LITERAL. And you're also correct. Kiss your brain for being SOoOOoOoo smart." Lainey blew Miss Arya KISSES. MUAH MUAH MUAH MUAH.
Well. Lainey BRISTLED at that. "Rude."
Totally rude. MAYBE it was true, but. Well. RUDE. Lainey extended her hand, pointed her finger at Destiny, and said again, "RUDE."
"Besides..... that's a matter of opinion." Huff. Lainey stroked her pot!hat and did some cat walks. NYEAH. Rude.
"Ohhhhh. Hey now, you might be on to something there.... you.... just... might be. Or maybe you're just totally RIGHT."
"Or totally wrong."
"BUT DEFINITELY on to something! Well DONE you!" "So... I have bad hair and I look like a man, now?" Lainey placed her hands on her hips and GLARED at the young man. It was all fake though, and quickly melted into a grin. Hehe "You.... you might be on to something."
"And you may, but not right now. I want everyone to look at me." Clearrrrrly. "I do like potatoes. I do. I admit it. All I had was a peanut butter sandwich today....." HINT HINT.
But no. Not really. No. "Welcome. Least I could do." WINK. "Hmmmmmmmmm. Well.... I don't doubt that a pot IS high fashion, and dead useful," or maybe useful for not getting oneself dead...," but they're are a bit heavy. Nothing a lightening charm couldn't fix.... but... well. MAYBE! I am pretty fashion savvy."
Yeah that was SO apparent. "WHATS THAT? What'd you say???" "An elephant never forgets." "No, no, don't give me sugar now. After class though, you and me. Date." Lainey wiggled her eyebrows at dear little Diggy.
Riiiiiight. Speaking of jokes.... hahaha. hehe. "You should go sit with the Head Boy, Dig my Boy. You two... you got special pants." "I will march over there and SIT right ON YOU, Celandine Toussaint. RIght on you until I squeeze all the little smarts out of your brain."
"I told that other girl.... we're NOT doing any illegal activities today. Well, not intentionally, anyway. Do behave." Lainey did more secret prefect hand motions.... you know, cause those made sense.
"You and WILLIAM! What do you KNOW about aliens? If you KNOW things....," Lainey trailed off, giving Oliver the BIG EYED 'see me later and tell me stuff' looks. She was good at looks too. Really.
"Is that flattery? Oh.... whew. Oliver is trying to make the professor blush! Or tan his nose!" Lainey pointed and grinned and ... hehe. She DID love Slytherins. Did did did.
"Oh. Well. That's sort of brilliant." Lainey was half wondering WHY this class WASNT about Johnny Appleseed. Merf. That would have been cool.... "OH! YOU! HAHAH!" Lainey POINTED with one of those "AHA!" expressions. Did everyone remember him? Pants?
Oh there were LOTS of pants boy 'round here. Funny.... "That's not a bad intro, Fletcher. Well done. Kudos. Bravo and hooray!" Lainey would have done a cartwheel, but her superior hat just didn't allow that much movement.
"No, I don't feel like explaining right now. I'm over it. Next topic. Raise your hand, or shout out if you must, and ..... tell me about a battle. Any battle. Have YOU been in a battle? Do you know of a HISTORIC," always good to get that HISTORY word in there, "battle? Be brief cause my attention span is short and we have SO MUCH TO DO - but - go on. Battles. You know of one?"
He pinched himself to make sure he was awake and he wasn't dreaming. Or maybe he was in a sugar coma and he had fallen into a weird Willy Wonka like land without the candy. Because this professor reminded him of Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka and he had to clamp his mouth shut to keep from laughing out loud. He blushed and squeaked when she wagged her eyebrows at him. A. Date. With a Professor? What? He was only 15! And she was like...well she was older than him mom!
He jumped up and went and sat next to the Head Boy. He scooted close to him and kinda hid behind him. The professor wanted to date him. He gulped, he wasn't even shaving yet! He wiped a hand across his forehead. She was making him sweat, and not in the cotton candy, Professor Carlton way either.
He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He would just stay after class and tell her that she was really pretty, but his mom would birth a hippogriff if he took her home to his parents. Not to mention she would be the tallest thing in the house. Yeah she would totally understand that. He peeked around the Head Boy, good she was moving on and not making eyebrow faces at me. Diggy said to himself. But he still hid behind the Head Boy.
He looked around when she asked a question, he thought it was safe to answer now. He raised his hand, "Or the Trojan War. The Greeks invaded Troy with a giant wooden horse. My sister Paris is named after Prince Paris who started the war when he took that Sparta guy's wife Helen. There is a really good muggle movie about it. My mom loves that movie," she always blushed through the whole movie. His dad really hated watching it.
__________________ ♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣ 
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣ |