Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
"And when the dinosaurs were here, too," Lainey answered little Miss Charmsy Professor, deadly serious. "I was here for the fall of Rome. Harry Potter."
Heh. Facetious? Lainey? Never. Neverrrrr.
When the Tapestry was pulled back....
.... Lainey SHOUTED and JUMPED and made a HUGE RUCKUS, complete with SPARKS and .... she ran around in a circle with her hands over her head.
..... hahahahaha
Paranoid much? These kids need not fear a tapestry. Like Lainey said.... unless it sounded like a prisoner... well then that was totally different. This wasn't a prisoner.
Lexi just blushed a little when Lainey mentioned being at Hogwarts during the time of dinosaurs, the fall of Rome, and Harry Potter. With a glance over at Lainey, Lexi said
"I apologize, Professor Lainey. That---came out a lot differently than I thought it would. I just thought with you being a History of Magic professor, you'd know more about the tapestry, and..." Yeah, Lexi. Just...stop there.
Hmm... You know those moments when you're actually
not afraid...and you don't
plan to scream...but then someone else does just that and then a whole domino effect happens?
Lexi followed Lainey's lead and yelled out...just a little. Okay, maybe a little more than
just a little. It wasn't one of those panicked-type yells, though, but more of a
just been startled kind of yell.
So when that was all said and done, she just glanced over at Lainey and blinked a few times. Laughter followed shortly afterwards.
"Okay, okay. So we deserved that," she said, still laughing. Merlin, she'd forgotten how funny Lainey could be.
Lainey...was just kidding, right? Lexi actually hadn't looked to see what really had been behind that tapestry, after all.
A few seconds later, Prince Charming started a yelp-type barking and began chasing Lainey around and around...