Originally Posted by
Con_Stripes One of the lizards decides it doesn't like shoes and starts eating all the egg yolk everywhere, even where it happens to be in hair or on robes.
Two suits of armour collide with one another, an almighty crash sounds through the duelling arena as they fall... two green beach balls and a yellow one right in the way of falling armour!
Truebridge pelts the students with little pellets of ice and conjures some ropes.
Originally Posted by
Kris Alexandrie realised one of the lizards would head for them. "Guys unless we're switched and it's our turn to protect the green balls then focus!" Ropes..Ice..Seriously? Alex groaned. "Any Bright Ideas?" Alex asked sarsatically.
Taking a deep breathe, she looked back up to the platform when hearing another loud noise. Jeez, it seemed like the suits of armour were really getting into this. And seeing their beach balls were in the way when the suits begain to fall....
"Contego green beach ball!" she yelled, pointing her wand at one of them and creating the upwards zig zag before almost doing the same to another...
When hearing one of the girls say something about switching, Evelyn looked over to see well, not only ice pelting them, but ropes heading straight towards them as well.
"Revertoscutum!" she said as she stepped in front of the Lufoy girl to block the ropes from the group. Someone else she heard had gotten the other beach ball, so they were safe.
Obviously it was time to switch if she couldn't pay attention to ALL her surroundings.
"Switch with me." she mumbled, pushing her slightly towards the platform.
Hearing some kind of slurping noise though, Evelyn looked down to see the lizard eating the egg off of the ground. And, from her leg. Didn't she just deal with this little thing a few minutes ago?!
GET....OFF! Darn lizard!