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Old 05-23-2010, 04:59 AM   #194 (permalink)
Tonks' Mood
Join Date: Nov 2005
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Originally Posted by Manda Panda View Post
I just need to get away.. all this talk of the future is just making me all stressed out. Raven just didn't not want to contend with the fact that she was graduating at the end of the term since Hogwarts had become a second home to her and despite her earlier rant on how she despised the school in her 5th year, truthfully she loved it here and didn't want to leave. Finally deciding to return to the room where she had hung out 2 terms ago with her best friend Andi, she realized that it was time to forget the future and just rock out.

She entered the room to find a bass, drum kit, amps, a microphone and a guitar; pretty much everything she needed to practice. Grabbing the bass with her left hand, she picked up the cord and plugged it into the amp then began playing something that she was working on for her band.
Branson Milo Carroll was walking down the hallway wondering what fun there was to do in this "oh so special" castle. He paced back in forth by this random wall and suddenly it turned into the door. Being the curious boy that he was, the boy reached for the knob and gave it a firm twist and was taken aback by blaring guitar music coming from within.

It was like he had never left home. Blinking once, Milo entered the room to try and find the source of the noise and saw a girl standing there with a bass in her hands, strumming away.
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