Alrights. Then iWant Jaymee~
Name: Jaymee Trey
Nickname: Jay
Age: 17
House: Slytherin
Jay is the oldest of all them all and therefore the smartest, right? She's matured over the ages and find some of her siblings completely immature. She can look down on them quite often but sometimes she can't help but be immature as well. As she grew older... you can say she became more girly. She loves to draw however and you'll see her doodling on napkins, papers, notices, wherever. She's always thinking up of new ideas for clothes so she designs quite a few for herself... and if she's feeling nice for her younger siblings.
- Head Girl [seventh year]
- Prefect [in 6th year]
- Several internships lined up for her, most of it in fashion design, that she turned down
- Job in the Ministry [Social Work]
Plans for the future:
- Not the job she has now
- Rich
- world famous designer
- to own a manor bigger than the one she lives in now
Favorites and Dislikes:
Favorite Food: Chocolate, it tastes delicious. :]
Least Favorite Food: Chocolate, it makes her fat. ]:
Favorite Color: Pink, purples and greens
Least favorite color: yellow, it makes her look washed out
Favorite Drink: Butterbeer
Least Favorite Drink: Firewhiskey
Favorite Class: All of them... except...
Least favorite class: Divination
Last edited by D.A Forever; 06-01-2010 at 10:34 PM.
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