Thread: DADA 1 (Part B)
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Old 05-22-2010, 03:14 AM   #340 (permalink)
Mrs. Weasley
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sidney Marlowe
Third Year

Double Agent Stamps!

Originally Posted by Con_Stripes View Post
"Possibly. You'll need to know them by name most likely, the theory of each but only Protego is necessary for OWL level practical exams in Defense." Truebridge answered and once he was satisfied that they were all taking their notes down he continued.

"The spell in question is a flexible one, similar to protego in most respects, though it is easier to cast it on objects or people that are at a distance from you. You do NOT have to concentrate to hold it steady, but it does tend to fade away after only a few impacts, only one or two usually. The incantation is Contego and the object you are shielding. In this case, Contego Beach ball." Truebridge paused, it was kind of amusing really. "Even though there will be more than one beach ball, as long as you focus on the one you wish to cast on, it should be sufficient. If you like you may add the colour such as 'Contego Green Beach Ball', if you have trouble getting a shield around one of the balls." He paused here and glanced around.

"As you see, there are suits of armour on the duelling platform. You will not be on the duelling platform yourselves, rather you are to take positions on the ground around the platform. Beach balls will be released on the platform, a charm in place to be sure they do not fall free of that area. There will be five beach balls for each house, the house with the most beach balls at the end of class, will win the most house points. The wand movement is an upwards zig zag."

Truebridge vanished the beach ball he held and conjured five of each colour, which hovered above the duelling platform.

"The suits of armour will attempt to puncture and burst the balls, and you will practice shielding them with the Contego spell as they fall and bounce. The shields will not only stop the balls from bursting, but also help them bounce up in the air again when the suits of armour, and their weapons, make contact with the shields. Further more, you will have to shield yourselves against anything I cast at you, though I guarantee you won't be faced with anything particularly dangerous. You may work together as a house, shielding each other if you wish."

He looked around to be sure they understood. "Any questions?"

ooc: You may NOT say another house's beach ball bursts, but you are allowed to say that your house (or another house) beach ball does not due to your shielding or the shielding of someone else.

I will post occassionally with three things:
-Truebridge casting at some of you

-something happening to the beach balls that must be reacted to

- the suits of armour doing something

Be creative. Only the shielding spells taught in class may be used. If I say a ball bursts, then it bursts, but you may say it doesn't if a suit of armour tries something.

Originally Posted by Dances With Potter
Cadence smiled as some of the younger Hufflepuff students actually come over to where she was standing. Look at them all, it felt good to like, be in charge and be a leader and stuff. She didn't like having to follow orders all the time these days. "Right, so I think we need to organize. Work as a team. He said there are 5 balls of each color, right? So, here's what I think we should do! Divide into 5 teams, one person concentrate on protecting the beach ball, and then everyone else be sort of the guard. Shielding the ball protector from spells, protecting each other, and just being extra protection for the ball. How does that sound?" she asked. Yes, Huffie teamwork for the win!
Sidney looks around and finds the older Hufflepuff who called them over. She listens to what the fifth year has to say. "I'm Sidney Marlowe. I like your idea except for one point. Truebridge said the Contego Charm will only hold up to a few impacts. Then whoever is handling protecting the balls will have to re-apply the charm. I agree one person should protect each ball, but the ones not assigned the ball need to not only protect the others from Professor Truebridge's spells, we also need to watch to make sure the ball are protected when the other person's spell wears off. They can take over at least until the people protecting the balls can cast a new spell."
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