Originally Posted by
xiiWishiWasYours Selena glanced at the other girl. "Thanks," Selena said a bit hesitantly."And you are...?" Selena asked. You couldn't work with people you didn't know and you can't trust people you dislike. So how was this thing going to work out? "I know other charms and spells but they're not exactly defensive spells," Selena shrugged. A patronus charm... she wasn't exactly great at it... but she had been practicing. "Well... Since there are six of us, that would make sense..." Selena said as she nodded her head slowly. There were probably better formations because being in a circle limited them quite a bit.
Originally Posted by
Kris Alex admitted the ..flower persons plan was good. She however didn't like the way she said Malfoy-Lupin. "I think it's a good plan. My name is Malfoy-Lupin not Malfoyyy Lupin and what do you think uh..Selena?" Alex asked glancing at the fellow first year she realised she had also been asked a question thought, "Well the teacher said to use the spells we learned in this class..or at least this part of class so no. But a well praticed spark would surprise attackers and it isn't a spell it's something that counts as accidental magic." She looked at Flower was it? "What do you think?"
There were only six of them? Eh. That would possibly mean a maximum of two people would be protecting the outer circle. Well, outer part of the group. It didn't necessarily need to be a circle. If they all just lined up at the platforms it would make it so much easier.
"That's what I said. Malfoy Lupin." she said, suddenly turning her attention to the Lupin girl.
"You think a spark would distract the Professor?" she asked, raising a brow.
"He's teaching DADA for a reason." Hehe.
"Besides, I didn't hear him saying anything on using 'accidental magic' or sparks either." It was allll about the shields.