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Old 05-21-2010, 10:54 PM   #261 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Not the beach
Posts: 7,087
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

In honor of graduating tomorrow, I'm giving you a specially long post (Even though they're all pretty long)

“Not like that, dog. I mean she’s a real witch,” Alice explained.

Emily was like a deer in headlights for a half second. Seth turned to stare at her in wonder. She pulled out her wand quickly and pointed it in front of her. She started backing up.

“How did you know? Who are you people?” Emily asked, her voice shaking slightly. She clutched her wand tighter, trying to keep her arm steady.

“We won’t hurt you,” said Edward quietly. Emily glared at him.

“Who are you people?” Emily asked again. She wouldn’t admit it out loud, but she was nervous and a little scared. If it turned into a fight, she wouldn’t have a chance. She wasn’t scared of the outcome, just what would come with the outcome. She didn’t get to tell George everything. Remus. She didn’t get to say goodbye to Remus. She and Ginny had just had a fight. And her goodbye to Draco was pretty heart breaking. She wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet.

“There’s no need to say goodbye just yet,” Edward said. Emily’s eyebrows knitted in confusion. “We won’t hurt you. We’re not the bad guys.” Emily stared at him in wonder. She looked around at them all. If they had wanted to kill her, they would have tried something by now. She slowly lowered her wand.

“Who are you?” she asked again in wonderment.

“Vampires,” Edward and Alice said at the exact same time, raising their hands in the process.

Emily stared at them, shocked.

“And Seth and I are werewolves,” said Jake slowly. Emily’s jaw literally dropped.

“This is a joke, right? You can’t be werewolves. And you can’t be vampires. Why haven’t you tried to drink my blood yet?” Emily gave them an “I don’t believe you look.”

“We’re…vegetarians,” said Emmett.

“And what’s so unbelievable about being a werewolf?” Seth asked in a hurt voice.

“Oh please. Who bit you then? And wouldn’t you have already known about my world?”

“Who bit us? Or did you mean them?”
Jake asked with a quizzical look.

“No, I meant you. Which werewolf bit you? Was it…Greyback?” Emily asked with a shudder.

“Who’s Greyback? We weren’t bitten. We were born this way,” Seth said slowly.

“I’m…confused,” Emily muttered.

“They’re not exactly werewolves. They’re more like shape shifters. Their ancestors chose a wolf, so now they are werewolves. But they aren’t true werewolves,” Carlisle explained. Emily merely nodded. He smiled politely at her and she returned it.

“It doesn’t make complete sense, but whatever,” she sighed.

Carlisle and the others chuckled. “I’ll explain it later,” Seth said. She nodded at him.

And he did. Seth explained, with a little help from Alice, Edward, and Jake, about the vampires and the shape shifters. He told her all about the old stories that the Elders tell them and about their adventures. He told Emily everything. And in return, she explained about her world. They had asked for her to use some magic, but she explained that she could get in trouble if she did magic outside of school before she was seventeen because it is illegal. They talked about their lives for hours and hours. Edward made them lunch and dinner, and then they sat around the fireplace, talking and bonding.

Emily looked around at her new friends. Alice was sitting on one side while Emmett and Seth were on the other. Renesmee had went to sleep a while ago, and Bella and Edward took her home. Carlisle was reading a book on the couch. Jasper and Rosalie were trying to play a game of chess, but Jasper kept controlling her emotions, which in turn made her choose different moves. See, Jasper, and Alice, Edward, and Bella for that matter, have special abilities on top of the whole vampire thing. Jasper can control people’s emotions while Alice can see the future. But Alice can only see what you’ve set your mind to, so if you change your mind, then your future would change. Edward can read other’s thoughts, which explained a lot to Emily upon her arrival. Bella’s ability is like a shield. She can shield off anything having to do with mental attacks, but not physical attacks.

It was nearing midnight and Emily was growing tired. She decided that she should probably call Remus before Molly checks in on her.

“Seth, can I use your phone? Mine died this morning,” Emily said. Seth looked up from his fourth helping of scrambled eggs and bacon. She had to admit, Edward was a fantastic cook.

“I don’t own one, but I’m sure the Cullen’s wouldn’t mind if you used theirs,” Seth replied.

“Mr. Cullen, would it be okay if I borrowed your phone?” Emily asked politely.

“Sure, here’s my cell.” Carlisle pulled out his cellular device and handed it to Emily. Emily took the phone from him and smiled. She started toward the back door, deciding privacy was the best choice for this conversation.

“Excuse me for a moment,” Emily said to the room at large.

Emily slid the back door open and stepped out into the backyard. She breathed in the fresh smell of grass and pine. She stared at the phone in her hands and sighed. Avoiding the inevitable was basically impossible. Emily dialed her Godfather’s number and held her breath, waiting for him to answer.

“Emily? Is everything okay?” Remus croaked. Emily closed her eyes tightly before answering.

“Everything is…fine,” Emily said quietly. “Remus, we need to talk.”

“What happened?”
Remus asked with a hint of worry in his tone.

“Nothing, really. Honest, Remus. Everything will be fine,” Emily said. “I’m not at the Weasley’s anymore, though,” she said. She waited for him to blow up, but he didn’t. She could tell he was growing angry and worried by his silence, so she decided that she should explain quickly. “I came to La Push yesterday night. I met Draco here and we talked. Don’t be mad, Rems. I met some new people and they’re really nice. I’m over at the Cullen’s house right now. Everything’s okay, it looks like they’ve got some secrets too. Anyway, Draco left early this morning. We decided that it’d be best to just be friends. Would you like me to continue, or are you just about ready to jump in?” she asked quietly.

“Why didn’t you tell me about all of this?” Remus asked quietly. He was holding back, and she could tell.

“Because I thought you’d try to stop me from coming,” Emily responded.

“And I would have!” Remus started yelling. He took a deep breath and tried again. “Where are you exactly? I’m coming to get you,” Remus said.

“The Cullen residence, it’s near La Push,” Emily answered.

“I’ll be right there,” he said. He hung up on her and she took a few minutes to finally click the phone shut. She silently walked back inside after composing herself.

“Here’s your phone, Mr. Cullen,” Emily said as she handed him his phone and sat back down. She didn’t say a word to them, and she didn’t need to. They had heard the entire conversation. That was the thing about ‘werewolves’ and vampires—they had incredible hearing. Emily stared at the floor, refusing to meet anyone’s eyes. She jumped suddenly as an owl flew into the window of the living room. She gasped loudly and then went to inspect.

“It’s Errol,” she muttered to herself.

“Who’s Errol?” Seth asked.

“Er, one of my friend’s owls,” Emily explained. “Remember, I told you they deliver our mail,” she continued. Seth nodded vaguely as Emily opened the window. She gently picked up the owl and untied the letter from its leg. She brushed her fingertips against the owl’s feathers and he nudged her hand playfully. “Are you hungry from your flight, Errol?” Emily asked him as if he could answer. He nibbled her finger. “Here you go,” Emily said as she fumbled through her purse and pulled out one of Bluejeans’ treats. She gave him one and he took it gratefully. Emily placed him on the windowsill and turned her attention to the letter. Her name was scrawled across it in an all too familiar handwriting. She unfolded it and began to read.

I feel awful. I didn’t know that she was coming over. And we were having so much fun too, or at least I was. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want you to leave. And I didn’t want you and Ginny getting in a fight from it all. Have I said I’m sorry? I really am sorry. I miss you, by the way. Not just your presence or your smile, but also your friendship and carefree laughter. I want to go back to the days of sarcasm and racing to our tree, taking naps and playing your guitar, and of course our long talks and homework sessions. I miss you. I guess I’ll see you on the train, Ems, but I just wanted to let you know.
Love, your Georgie

Emily stared at it again. Letting a few tears escape, she wondered if she should reply or if she should just ignore it all. Block it all out or let it sweep through her heart and soul? She couldn’t decide and really needed Remus’ advice. As cliché as it sounds, she was saved by the bell. A knock sounded at the door, and Emily caught her breath. Carlisle closed his book and went to answer the door.

Emily saw the wand before she saw the person it belonged to.

“Where is she?” Remus yelled.

“Remus! Are you insane? Put your wand down, right now!” Emily yelled back at him. She stood up swiftly and made her way to the door. “I’m fine, honestly. Put down the wand, Remus John Lupin. They aren’t dangerous, or at least, their not dangerous to us,” she tried explaining. Remus reluctantly put his wand down and stuffed it back up his sleeve. Emily tried to smile at him, but it turned into more of a grimace. He looked her up and down to make sure she wasn’t hurt or damaged in any way, and then he stepped over the threshold and engulfed her into a hug.

“Don’t ever scare me like that again, Emily James Remus Amelia Sirius Black. Is that understood?” he asked. Emily nodded against his chest. He finally let go of her. He took in her appearance, and then he exploded. “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? HUH? HE’S OUT THERE RIGHT NOW, AND HE COULD HAVE KILLED YOU! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?” He was breathing heavily. She didn’t dare look away towards the others to see their reactions. She stared at him in fright. She was nervous and afraid, which was ironic because he’s the one that taught her to never be afraid of anything except fear itself. A tear welled up in her eye.

“Remus, I—” Emily started.

“You’re what, Emily? You’re sorry? Sorry for what, exactly? For defying me? For breaking my trust? For scaring me half to death? For nearly giving me a heart attack when you said that you weren’t at the Weasley’s and that you were with strangers?” Remus took a deep breath, looking down.

Emily was afraid to move, to flinch, to make a peep, to do anything. She didn’t know what kind of punishment he would give her, but she knew she wasn’t looking forward to it. Why did you leave the comfort of the Weasley’s, of George, Fred, and Ginny to get in trouble? Draco, she thought. Draco was the answer and she knew it. Even if she had known the outcome of all of this, she still would have gone to Draco. She wanted to see him, needed to see him. And so, she did, and she wouldn’t take it back for the world. She looked at her Godfather and sighed.

“I know that my actions may have been wrong, but—” she started.

“May have?” Remus interrupted in outrage.

Emily put up her hand up to silence him and he did. “Hear me out,” she pleaded. He nodded. “My actions may have been wrong, but, for me, they had to be made. I needed answers, Remus. I needed to come and find out the truth about Draco and me. So, I did. And I found out that, though I do love him, I’m not in love with him. I realized that I need space. I need to be away from boy drama and dating in general, or at least dating certain boys. I’m sorry for betraying your trust and running away from the Weasley’s. I’m sorry for scaring you and almost giving you a heart attack. I’m sorry, Remus, but I still wouldn’t take any of it back given the chance.” Emily stared him in the eye. She choked back a sob that threatened to release, but she wouldn’t allow it. She wouldn’t allow herself to break down, to be weak, to be afraid. She wouldn’t allow herself be embarrassed in front of her new friends. She wouldn’t allow herself to look like a fool. She was strong and independent, just like her mother, her father, and even her Godfather.

“Emily, I—” Remus started. He saw her tears release, realizing how much pain this trip had actually cost her. “Why don’t we just go home?” Remus suggested. She nodded, whipping off her tears. She turned to the Cullen’s, Seth, and Jake.

“Thanks for having me over and for lunch and dinner.” Emily walked up to Seth and gave him a hug. “Thanks for taking care of me and everything. I owe you one, Seth,” Emily whispered in his ear. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and made her way back over to Remus. “Let’s go home, Rems.”

*And end scene That is the end of chapter four I hope you enjoyed it. Tell me watchya think

Last edited by Emileyn; 08-10-2010 at 05:30 PM.
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