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Waterloo "Those are all very good answers," the Professor beamed, proud of their Herbology knowledge. The last professor must've taught them well. "Should any of you get sore feet, you'll be up and about in no time at all. The herb I was thinking of though, is Mugwort."
He moved towards the side of the classroom where he'd left a cutting of Mugwort. It looked like a common weed. "Mugwort was used in ancient times, by Roman centurions as a cure for sore feet." He carefully picked off a couple of the leaves and dropped them in a mortar on his desk. "The leaves can be crushed up," he explained, demonstrating as he used a pestle to grind the leaves, "and the result is then placed in your shoes!" Wasn't that cool!? He certainly thought so.
And yes, there were Mugwort leaves in his shoes.
"Now if you'd like to come and snag a few leaves, grab a mortar and pestle from the store cupboard, you can get yourself a cure for foot fatigue!" Yes, that was an instruction. [/COLOR]
Walking over to the cupboard, Kay pulled out a mortar and pestle. She walked over to the Mugwort plant and took and few of its leaves. *
thank you* Her Mum had always told her to say thank you when taking something. She hoped the others hadn't heard her. But plants were in important and little magical things lived on them. Putting the leaves in to the mortar and crushed them up. Looking at them she wondered if they were good enough.
"Professor is this good enough or should I continue to crush them?" Kay asked before taking them out of the maotar.