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"Master Vorkosigan, if you are too much of a coward to say things to my face, then don't say anything at all... muttering is not polite." She said.
"Miss Toussaint, I'm tired of the blonde attitude." She sighed. "If they are so snoggable, snog one of them and he'll be the first to go through, the next one will be the other boy and you can be the third," she said to the girl "I'm going last."
"I don't snog just anyone." Celandine answered, surprised at the suggestion. "Besides, then I'd have to take points off myself and I don't know if I can do that." She chewed her lip. And wouldn't the professor take points for excessive PDA too?
She offered her hands to both of the prefects.
"Lets go through together." She suggested, glancing at the professor again and then looking at the boys. "I'd snog one of you but its breaking the rules you know? And Copernicus would break your faces, and that would be sad." She pouted. Lets get this over with, yes?
She wiggled her fingers at them, encouraging them to take a hand each.
"Miles..." She eyed his pocket for a second and then realised. Pill bottle. "Have you taken your pill?"