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Old 05-19-2010, 04:09 PM   #249 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Seth had borrowed his mom’s car. The drive to the “Cullen’s” wasn’t exactly as long as it could have been, because, well, Seth liked to speed. Emily clutched her seatbelt as he sped around another corner and then screeched to an almost stop when he was turning onto what she assumed was the driveway.

They pulled up to a gigantic house. Emily hadn’t seen anything like it. It was gorgeous and one of a kind. Seth parked the car in front of the porch and turned the ignition off. They both unbuckled and stepped out of the car.

“My friend is here. He doesn’t live here, but he’s good friends with the people that do live here. I’m friends with the people that live here too, though,” Seth explained. Emily just nodded and held onto her purse tightly. She tensed herself, ready for an attack if this were a trick.

The front door opened. Emily’s breath caught. She was staring at one of the most gorgeous people she’s ever seen. He was pale with blonde hair. He was beyond handsome. He could be a model for all she knew. He was wearing a pair of jeans with a light blue sweater. It took a minute for Emily to compose herself and finally close her mouth. She smiled apologetically at the man and he politely smiled back. Seth couldn’t help but chuckle at her expression. Emily’s ears went slightly red. The man at the door stepped aside, holding the door ajar for them.

“You must be Emily,” he said flawlessly. “Welcome to our home. I’m Carlisle Cullen, come on in,” he said.

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” Emily said quietly. She and Seth walked through the door. Seth led the way to the living room. Emily wasn’t sure, but she thought that Carlisle had left since she couldn’t hear his footsteps behind her, but when she glanced back, he was there, right behind her. She smiled sheepishly at him, keeping her hand on her pocket.

There were quite a few people in the living room, Emily noticed. If they all tried to fight her at the same time, she might not have a chance. She mentally tried to do the math of how much time she’d have to take each one out. Her answer: not long. She saw a boy standing behind the couch smirk like he had heard what she was thinking. They were all inhumanly beautiful to her, well, except Seth and another guy. They were just beautiful, hold the inhuman.

“Everyone, this is Emily Black,” Seth said to the room at large. They all smiled politely at her. “Emily, this is Alice and Jasper,” he said. He pointed to a pixie type girl and a mysterious boy. She had cropped hair, short and black while his was a sandy color and wavy. “This is Emmett and Rosalie,” Seth continued without a beat. Emmett was very muscular and had short, curly black hair. Rosalie looked like a super model. She was breathtaking. Emily felt extremely ugly in this room compared to all the beauties. “This is Bella, Edward, and Renesmee,” Seth said with a smile. Emily could tell he liked them the most. Edward was the one who had smirked when she was thinking of her chances. He smiled at her again and she hoped she returned it. Renesmee was a little girl who was sitting in Bella’s lap. Even the little kid is more beautiful! What has this world come to? I feel hideous, Emily thought to herself. She saw Edward’s mouth turn into a half smile, like he was trying not to laugh. “This is Esme,” Seth said. “She’s Carlisle’s wife,” he explained. Emily looked at the petite woman. She, too, was gorgeous. “And this is Jake, the friend I was telling you about,” Seth said with a grin.

“Whatever he told you was probably a lie,” Jake joked.

“Oh, so you’re not that nice, then?” Emily asked with a serious stare. Jake stared at her for a while, but Emily couldn’t keep the seriousness up for any longer and chuckled. Jake smiled at her and then laughed too. Emily observed that Jake was buff and very tan. He didn’t have a shirt on just like Seth and also had the same cut off type shorts. Emily wondered if it was just a style choice in this part of the world.

“Hardly,” Edward murmured.

Emily stitched her eyebrows together, wondering if he was answering an unsaid question. He could hardly be answering her. She hadn’t said anything. He coughed lightly, trying to cover it up.

“I’m sorry, did you say something?” Emily asked, looking at Edward.

Edward shook his head slightly. Everyone was watching him.

“But you did say something,” Emily said, being stubborn.

“I think you were imagining it, Emily,” Seth said quietly.

“No, I wasn’t. My hearing is better than you’d think.” Emily was getting ticked and definitely wasn’t dropping the subject. They obviously weren’t aware that her hearing improved tremendously when she became an animagus. Emily clutched her wand more tightly to her side, getting ready. She felt like something was about to happen.

Edward abruptly looked at Alice. They locked eyes, except Alice looked like she was somewhere else. Edward’s eyes were staring at her in deep concentration. Everyone was looking at the two like they were waiting for news, but Emily just looked at them in confusion. Alice’s eyes went back to normal and she blinked once.

“Woah,” she said. She looked at Edward once more before turning her eyes to Emily. Edward did the same. Everyone followed their example and started to stare at Emily.
“You’re a witch,” Alice said.

“Alice, don’t be mean. She hasn’t done anything to you, not yet anyway,” Seth said. He took a step forward and placed himself slightly in front of Emily.

“Not like that, dog. I mean she’s a real witch,” Alice explained.

Emily was like a deer in headlights for a half second. Seth turned to stare at her in wonder. She pulled out her wand quickly and pointed it in front of her. She started backing up.

“How did you know? Who are you people?” Emily asked, her voice shaking slightly. She clutched her wand tighter, trying to keep her arm steady.

*Dun, dun, dun. Let me know watchya think

Last edited by Emileyn; 08-10-2010 at 05:06 PM.
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