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This lad had wiped the irritant into his eye? Sage bit the inside of his cheek anxiously. He knew about medicinal plants, sure. But he wasn't a Healer! Nor were their any plants around that cured irritated eyes. Eh.
"Rinse your eyes with lukewarm water," the Professor ordered, pointing to the lone basin in the far right corner at the back of the classroom. "And if your eyes feel itchy later, I think you'll need a trip to the Hospital Wing." A rinse ought to do the job though.
Jacob looked from the professor to the basin, and back to the professor. and with out stopping to think he quickly got up, hit his knee on the chair. The chair fell back and almost sprinted towards the basin. He washed his hand to make sure that nothing else was on his hands, and then his eyes.
Moveing back to his seat, a few drops of water sliped from his face every noow and then. Jacob picked up the chair off the ground and sat back down... with a small
"sorry". Then Jacob scooped the gel ot of the leaf and used the moisturizer.