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TeamHermioneGranger 'Why don't we just use Orchideous, for today?' Maddie asked, and pulled her wand from it's holster. 'So, the incantation is Orchideous, Or-chid-ee-us. You use your wand like this' she said, and gave a quick demonstration. Flowers came out of the end of her wand 'You want to give it a try?' she asked
Alcemee said, "Okay, I'll try it." She aimed her wand at a wall, making sure there were no people close enough to be hit. Then she said, "Orchideous!" and just one small flower came out. She tried again, and on the second try, more flowers came out. She looked excited and surprised, and said to Maddie, "Wow, I actually did it!" Then she said, "Do you want to do Revertoscutum first while I do Orchideous, or do you want me to do it while you do Orchideous or one of those other spells?"