You smell of Chocolate. I know it's you. You can quote, disagree with, glorify or vilify me But about the only thing you can't do is ignore me
Thanks Guys, 1 reply, but maybe another instalment might boost the popularity
Sarah woke up, but kept her eyes shut. 'It was a dream' she told herself firmly. 'I dreamed that a man called Sirius turned out to be my dad, and that I am a witch.' But the dream had been lovely, and oh how she wanted to just roll over and go back to sleep, and back into the dream. But no, she had to get up and face school again. She slowly opened one eye, the sat bolt up and opened them both. 'It wasn't a dream!' she whispered joyfully. A thought snuck into her mind. She quietly got out of bed and tiptoed to Sirius bedroom...
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Sirius awoke and remembered the events of yesterday. He smiled and turned over, when his door creaked open a bit, and feet padded across the floor. 'Don't even try it Sarah.' he said. 'How did you know?' she asked, slipping under the covers, for Sirius knew the bedroom was draughty and she wore thin clothes. 'You smell of Chocolate. I know it's you.' Sirius replied. They had found out yesterday that Sarah loved chocolate when Sirius brought her some to try. He turned over and looked at her, with her cheeky grin on her face, that her loved to see, for he guessed when she lived in the orphanage she didn't smile a lot. 'What we doing today then?' she asked. 'Well, I thought we could go shopping for some new clothes for you.' he said, as he took in her ragged clothes the orphanage had put on her. 'I'd like that. Would there be a chance of a bit of chocolate?' she asked hopefully. 'We'll see.' said Sirius with a bit of laughter in his voice. Sarah had become more fiery since she meet him, more bubbly and more confident. 'Oh, and Harry is coming over.' he added. 'Your godson? I can't wait to meet him' Sarah Said
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Sarah walked down the stairs, a few hours later after they had brought the clothes. Sirius looked up at her, and she saw pride in his eyes. 'Well, what do you think?' she asked with a twirl. They had brought a pair of black bootleg jeans with gold stitching on the back pockets, a loose top with a tiger on it, and a pair of black crocodile boots with wedge heels, and a small black leather jacket. The door opened, and a boy stepped through. Black messy hair, with a lightning bolt scar, and vivid green eyes. She knew that this was Harry. He was about the same age as she was, a little taller, and more filled out. He stopped and stared at her on the stairs. 'Who is this Sirius?' he asked. 'This is Sarah. My daughter.' Sirius came out and gave Sarah a hug. She looked at Harry as two more people came in. 'Sarah, this is Ron' Harry waved a hand to the boy 'and Hermione' Harry waved his other hand to the girl. 'This' he waved a hand at her 'is Sarah, Sirius's daughter.' 'Hi' Sarah said and then stepped down the last few stairs self-concioucesly. She looked into those vivid green eyes and saw confusion and a bit of shy...
__________________  ... PESSIMISTIC ... AMBITIOUS ... RECKLESS ...
Last edited by Ruby85; 06-26-2010 at 06:50 PM.