SPOILER!!: Cedric & the Professor :D
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Upon first passing by that Slytherin girl and Hufflepuff boy, the professor assumed them to be chatting about their numbers / discussing what parts seem accurate or not. But it wasn't until the third or fourth time she glanced at them when she noticed the boy leaning in and WHISPERING!?! Oh no they weren't!!
"Ahem," she cleared her throat lightly, as she approached them and looked at them both. "You both better be talking about the meanings of your numbers, as if you make me stop here again, then it will be twenty points from each of you and detention." For chatting and flirting during class. Shame on them.
Content with herself, she walked away and towards a group just starting on their calculations.
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A probably awesome idea unexpectedly popped in his mind. What if he invite Destiny to have a vacation with him and with his friends as well? And might as well invite Evelyn! He could already sense that that would be so fun. He could like hire beauty experts to do a general makeover on Destiny, 'cause that's what Prince Charmings do on their princesses b-b-but errr, he wasn't her prince charming. Well, Destiny looked good and the only problem in her whole physical appearance was the goggle glasses itself. And he could just imagine that Destiny would look even more stunning without the glasses on.
Tellewission? Ced sure hadn't heard anything 'bout that thing yet. But it really sounded familiar... "Ahh.." He had figured it out in just a matter of a few seconds. "T-they help you see?" He spluttered, a bit surprised that a pair of odd glasses could actually help her see. And so without the glasses, Destiny would lose her sight? Oh man, that would be awful. He would pity her for that. He felt guilty, now he wouldn't try to ask her to wear it off anymore... and that was promise from a loyal, honest badger like he.
Cedric would like to laugh so hard but he cares about himself deeply and wouldn't want to humiliate himself so... he didn't laugh nor chuckle at all at Destiny's purely hilarious remarks. And he'd known to himself that what he said was a joke. But he was confused now, could cold really attack people? Well, he thought they do.. but yeah, not in the way Destiny had thought. "I uhh, definitely can see it." And he was fooling her again, Hehe. "Look! It's about to attack you. Parry it real quick!" And then he burst out laughing.
He then became suddenly serious because he had been just asked with a very, very serious question that should be answered with picked and proper words and precise explanation! Soo what's so stinky? "Stinky. Very well then, I'll tell you what's SO stinky." He whispered and moved a bit closer to the Slytherin girl. "Don't tell about this to anyone..." or I'll crush you! "When the new professor passed by, I thought I smelled something really, really foul. I thought I smelled a vinegar or a puke maybe. I wonder if the new professor has an athlete's foot." There. Done. Enough for explanation.
Destiny had got to be kidding him! How come that the book's interpretations didn't still match to her personality or life? That was odd.. or Destiny was just pretending that the book didn't match HER own interpretation of her life. And he would try to debate and instil in her mind that the book's interpretation could never be that wrong. "Oh, see? You can act. That's creativeness. And hmm, I wonder if you could dance too. Why not dance in front of the class and show how good you really are?" Maybe she could do the banana dance! YAY!
Well, of course her glasses helped her see! Duh! If she had perfect vision she wouldn't need them, now would see? She nodded at his question. There was no need to elaborate on
that topic. Pffft.
How was it that Cedric could see the cold and she couldn't? If she was a jealous person, which she is NOT, she would be fuming with jealousy right now. The cold might be like thestrals. One must see death to see the invisible horses, so one must see..
Her train of thought was RUINED as Cedric said the cold was going to attack. Attack HER! She almost jumped out of her seat, and if it weren't for Cedric laughing, she would have ran out of the room as well.
"Ha ha. Very funny." Not. Being attacked by the cold wouldn't be so fun.
She leaned in closer as he started to whisper who was stinky. She thought he was going to say
she was the stinky one, but as she heard him say the Professor, her eyes widened. Didn't Professor's bathe? The only stinky Professor she knew of was male Lawson, and well, he stunk for other reasons. She shook her head telling him she would not tell anyone of this, and then Destiny saw her. The Professor was coming right over to them! She had to refrain from holding her nose, since she did not want to smell vinegar. Holding her breath, she nodded at the woman standing there. She did not want detention OR points taken off from talking.
"Sorry." she squeaked..squeaked from lack of oxygen. She turned away from the Professor, and looked at Cedric. Surely...the Professor didn't think they were flirting did she? Cause..that was GROSS and everyone knew boys had COOTIES!
And now back to their number meanings. Destiny let out a long breath as the Professor walked away, and thankfully the woman's smell didn't linger. Cedric wanted her to..dance? No way. That was not going to happen.
"Nope. I don't dance." Not when anyone was looking anyway.
Pffft. Arithmancy. Destiny didn't like it at all! It told LIES! She was glad when the Professor dismissed the class. Finally! Copying down her homework, she packed up her things and stood. She nodded at Cedric and gave him a little wave, since if she talked to him, the Professor might think they were flirting..AGAIN. Pffft.
"Goodbye, Professor Sti--Hadley!" she said, before running out of the class.