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Old 05-17-2010, 10:56 PM   #510 (permalink)
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Jimbo will set his turtle loose on you. { The Farley } "That's trademarked, don't use it."

Originally Posted by Beth Westphal View Post
Alcemee sighed and wrote everything down.
SPOILER!!: Alcemee's Notebook

March 22, 2058
3 4 15
3 4 6

B e n j a m i n J a m e s F a r l e y
2 5 5 1 1 4 9 5 1 1 4 5 1 6 1 9 3 5 7
32 12 31
5 3 4

Alcemee replied, "They seem partly incorrect, but they're mostly right. Do your numbers's descriptions seem right?"
Jimbo had been distracted, looking at the master numbers in the textbook. Looking up, he realized the girl had been talking to him. Hearing her, he grinned. "Barely." He looked around to see if anyone else had finished as well. Were they supposed to calculate their other numbers now? "Professor," he said again. "Are we done or do we do the next ones?"
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