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Old 05-16-2010, 10:29 PM   #466 (permalink)
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Jimbo will set his turtle loose on you. { The Farley } "That's trademarked, don't use it."

Originally Posted by Beth Westphal View Post
Alcemee replied, "My full name is Jaenis Alcemee Esilna, and my birthdate is July 13, 2059."
Jimbo wrote her name and birthday down, then tried to figure out the calculations by looking at the board and his textbook.

SPOILER!!: Jimbo's Notebook

Destiny Number
J A E N I S - A L C E M E E - E S I L N A
1 1 5 5 9 1 - 1 3 3 5 4 5 5 - 5 1 9 3 5 1
22 26 24
4 8 6
4 + 8 + 6 = 18

Life Path Number
7 + 4 + 7 = 18

Hoping he did it right, he looked up at the girl and said, "Both your numbers are nine..." Well, now that they had this information, what were they supposed to do?
He flipped through his textbook to try and find the meaning of the number nine. He found;

Originally Posted by Textbook
9. Completing
What? He kept looking. Surely, he could find something with more detail? Aha! Perfect.

Originally Posted by Chapter 6
Chapter Six: The Core - The Life Path Number
What Your Life Path Number Reveals About You:
NINE (9): Your path will lead you to understand the interconnectedness of all things. It's a path of universal love that learns compassion and tolerance. Once you've learned this lesson, you'll move on to the next phase - tolerance for all and the importance of caring for each other. You're a born healer and your healing may take the form of writing, composing, painting, or sculpting - reaching others by truly connecting to them. You'll be learning how to let go, to surrender the self for greater good. Career/vocation options include the arts, international business, education, and health - any line of work designed to help, heal, or humanize.
Originally Posted by Chapter 7
Chapter Seven: The Core - The Expression/Destiny Number
What Your Destiny Number Reveals About You:
NINE (9): Your mission in life is to perfect and love unconditionally. Your purpose is to strive for universal brother-/sisterhood, using your humanitarianism, responsiveness, and healing art. Learning to transform and heal and being receptive and forbearing will bring you closer to your destiny. You're destined for broad horizons. Reach out and help someone.
He turned the textbook towards the girl and pointed at the right parts of the pages. "Do those sound right?"
Well, as long as he knew where to look he might as well see what the textbook said about his OWN numbers. She said they were...4 and 3. Right.

Originally Posted by Jimbo's Life Path Number
Chapter Six: The Core - The Life Path Number
What Your Life Path Number Reveals About You:
FOUR (4): Your path will lead you to work hard and systematically. You'll learn the benefis of loyalty and following the rules, all the while remaining loyal and steadfast. Reliability is key and once you've learned this lesson, you'll move on to the next phase - building for the long term. You're a born builder because security is a big deal for you. Others look to you to manage and control the situation. Career/vocation options include bookkeeping, accounting, and work where organization is valued - administration, education, business, etc.
Originally Posted by Jimbo's Destiny Number
Chapter Seven: The Core - The Expression/Destiny Number
What Your Destiny Number Reveals About You:
THREE (3): Your mission in life is to invigorate and empower. Your purpose is to encourage others through your hopefulness and conviction, using your inspirational creativity to make certain that others experience joy. Learning to express your emotions though your gift with words and being effervescent and clever will bring you closer to your destiny. You're destined for self-expression. Speak up, be positive, and encourage.
Uhm. Okay. Well, the first one sounded completely wrong. The second one was closer to being right. But then again, what would he know about the future? Shaking his head at the textbook, Jimbo again decided that he really didn't like Arithmancy. The numbers made no sense sometimes. And just when he was starting to feel a little proud of himself that he'd figured it all out...

But then, when he looked at the textbook again, he saw something that confused him a little. He raised his hand and made sure he spoke loud enough for the professor to hear. "Professor, what does the textbook mean when it mentions numbers eleven, twenty-two and twenty-three? I thought we were supposed to reduce."

Last edited by Rawr!; 05-16-2010 at 10:39 PM.
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