The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas. William had been listening the whole time, paying special attention to the professor as he wrote nearly everything down. He needed to know this stuff if he wanted his dream job he thought glancing up from his notes every once in awhile, jotting something else down. The different sheilds he was speaking of were fascinating, especially the glass one. He knew about protego but had completely forgotten about it, and besides it wasn't as strong as he would like. Nothing that a little practice wouldn't fix he knew.
Standing from his spot he flicked his wrist again, wand coming out of its holster. What was the spell again, Revo something or other? Holding his wand loosely from its location in his fingers he frowned, his face looking adorable as his hair hung in front of his eyes. Sigh. "Revo--- Reno---Rumino..." he whispered, trying to remember. Guh he had JUST heard it spoken like ten times! Grr frustrating William? he thought to himself as he crossed his arms before shaking his head.
Singing a soft rumba in his mind he blinked, his eyes flashing open. "Revertoscutum!" he exclaimed rather loudly before flushing and grinning a bit. "Oops sorry.' he uttered, casting a glance at everyone as he stood straighter, now having an idea of what he was doing. After hearing Truebridge say there wasn't any concentration or wand movements needed he grinned, finally having an easy spell. No problem, "Revertoscutum!" He said clearly and full of confidence. Out of nowhere a blue-greeny looking shield protruded from his wand and he grinned, holding it steady as he held his wand, fascination in his eyes.
Dropping the shield he looked for further instructions, knowing the harder spells were coming.
__________________ Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!! |