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"Thats the one." Truebridge agreed. "Reverto. The reversion shield spell incantation is Revertoscutum, Re-ver-toe-skew-tum. The wand movement is nice and simple, you only need to point." Truebridge demonstrated.
"Revertoscutum!" A shield that looked almost like a wall of water, a pale blue-green appeared in front of him and he held it for long enough that the students could see it.
Melissa listened to Professor Truebridge. She had never heard of the spell Reverto but she was still listening, it might come in handy for next term. She also wrote down the spell and it's affects.
[spoiler=Melissa's Journal]
Incantation: Revertoscutum
Pronunciation: Re-ver-toe-skew-tum
Wand movement: Point in the direction
When casted it will be a shield that looked almost like a wall of water and the colour will be a pale blue-green Quote:
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"You may stand up and try it now, just don't get up on the duelling platforms." Which was where the suits of armour were all waiting, perhaps even quivering with eagerness for... something.
Truebridge added, "The shield will always appear blueish, though the shade of blue may vary from person to person. Some may be more visible than others, but that isn't an indicator of strength. For now, just practice casting the spell and be careful not to trip over the incantation."
Melissa nodded and got up from the bleachers to try the spell. She also noticed that the suits of armour were acting very weird and they were...quivering?
Right, blueish but it can vary from person to person. Nod. Some may be more visible than others and it's not an indicator of strength. Nod nod. She got out her wand to practise the spell. She picked up her journal from the bleachers and held it in front of her with her wand pointing to it. "Revertoskuetum!" she spoke, the journal didn't work. Try again. "Revertoscutum!" it worked, but it showed an awful colour of blue. But it didn't last long. Oh well try again.