This is a poem I made up about Hermione. This is also on I didn't steal this. I am JenavyMalfoy.
The Preppy Cutter
She's the preppy cutter.
I know that it's true.
You say there's no such thing I say
I believe it, it's true.
She knows that he knows and it hurts him.
He tried to stop her once and got in the way,
She turned him to a cutter that day.
She was tired of listening to those,
Those who told her,
"This has to stop,
It isn't you."
She yelled at them to shut up,
She didn't know what to do.
She told them they didn't know her,
They said they knew her well.
She said they didn't know her,
But they ignored her and said,
"Of course we know you! We're your best friends."
But they didn't know her,
And the guy that likes her,
He thinks he knows her,
She told him it's no use.
To herself she thought,
"Nobody knows me, what am I to do?"
She felt alone and thought her parents hated her.
She prayed to God,
"Oh Lord, please help me,
I don't know what to do.
I'm afraid of this world,
But who am I to say what to do?
Lord I don't know what to do!"
This was her prayer,
On her last day.
She left this poem and said ok.
She gave up 'cause they didn't take the time.
The time to get to know her.
She was afraid of this world,
But not the sands of time.
She wasn't afraid of seeing God,
At such a young age.
She knew him in her heart,
He was her best friend.
He was the only one who really knew her.
She was a rebel, a writer, a singer.
She was afraid of this world
And sought God's help.
And she got it.
She's with him today,
He still knows her thoughts.
She left this poem for those
Whose hearts were tied in knots.
Hope you liked it! Even if it makes you tear up

Love you guys!