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The guy was going to laugh. His goofy-looking face was clearly holding back a snigger and poor Fletcher was being petted by a venemous tentacula.
"That's. Not. Working," he grunted, trying to edge away from the plant and keep it from twirling his hair now. OhhhhMYgossssh. He shot a glare at the guy watching him and added, "You the Herbology professor or somethin?"
The more the boy tried to get away, the more the plant seemed to latch on. That wasn't really standing STILL was it? Ah well, there was no time to argue, because in a few moments that plant might end up grabbing him and try to give him a big bear hug and accidently suffocate the poor boy.
"No, I'm not--Divination, actually, but this might work," Nolan explained, pulling out his wand. He looked around to see if the Herbology professor WAS somewhere nearby, but he wasn't--he really really REALLY hoped he didn't accidently kill the professor's plant by doing this! What a horrible way to start their working relationship!
He waved his wand and slightly performed a rather strong lumos spell, hoping to make the plant retreat with some fake sunlight.