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Meh.. Oliver's surname name was no biggie – it was just a fact. Shrug. He peered over Evelyn's shoulder as she did her calculations. She was pretty quick at doing the maths.
He grinned when she teased him and read what his numbers signified. His eyebrows raised. Woah.. spooky – the Life Path Number was pretty accurate. “Awesome.” He said with a smile. “'specially the dancing bit... though I'm not sure I'm Dumbledore material.” Nope.. Oliver didn't have the beard for it. But maybe one day he would. Hmm...
"Here's yours." He said and pushed the his notebook towards the girl. "Anything like you? The next Steven Hawking perhaps?" Snort. The voice box thingy the dude had was cool though.
Dancing? He liked to dance? Bahaha! Erm. Well, at least besides being Slytherin, they had something in common. Though she didn't like to mention that little bit often...to anyone. Ever.
"Who's Steven Hacking?" she asked, extremely confused. Was he comparing her...to a muggle or something?! *scoff* She certainly didn't know any wizard by the name of that.
Frowning, she pulled the notebook even closer, before reading what was written. Well, at least it was eligible to read.
"Hmm, yes. They seem pretty right." Scary even. Of course, she could never be satisfied with anything, and she loved to study for some odd reason. Just not for tests that is.
"Maybe Josh was right when he said I should be a Professor." she mumbled, mostly to herself as she leaned back in her seat, thinking it over.
Speaking of Josh, where was he? But, that didn't matter now. She finally just read the last sentence for the Destiny number again, which made her eyes widen in surprise.
"Be the masterful leader you were born to be." she read, sitting up straight in her seat again.
"The Destiny number...knows what it's talking about." hehe.