Originally Posted by
Josey wrote down his name and his birthday, then she began the calculations. When she added up his name she double, then triple checked it, getting a different number each time. Josey frowned, she wished she would have thought to bring a calculator, but that would look stupid. She added it up again, really carefully. She got 70. 7=0 was, of course, 7. She had memorized all the definitions, but she loked in the book, just to make sure. She read aloud.
"Your destiny number-SEVEN (7): Your mission in life is to evaluate and seek out. Your purpose is to dig deeply and contemplate all you happen upon, using your skill at analysis and your scrupulous ways to find inner wisdom. Learning to express your sharp scrutiny and being thoughtful and discerning will lead you toward your destiny. You're destined for educating the world. Specialize and teach your wisdom."
Then she looked at her paper and worked out his Life Path number. With her soft, rhymithic voice, she read what it said.
"Your Life path number-SIX (6): Your path will lead you to live responsibly at home and work to achieve balance between giving and receiving. This path is one of aid and service, and once you've learned this lesson, you'll move on to the next phase - achieving balance between giving and receiving. You're a born counselor - sympathetic and caring - which makes others seek you out for advice. Career/vocation options include any job in the service industry where you can make life more comfortable, easy, and luxurious for others, including medicine, decorating, beauty products, training animals, teaching, and counseling." Then she looked up to see what he would say.
Evan waited patiently for the girl to do her calculations. He thought to do hers, in the meantime.
Originally Posted by Notebook
JOSEY FLOW 17/02/2060
The Expression/Destiny Number (4): Your mission in life is to build something of lasting value. Your purpose is to be realistic and hard-working, all while keeping order and decorum so that security is assured. Learning to express traditional values and being loyal and constant will move you toward your destiny. You're destined for managing and methodizing. Create the foundation and build on it.
Life Path Number: Your path will lead you to understand the interconnectedness of all things. It's a path of universal love that learns compassion and tolerance. Once you've learned this lesson, you'll move on to the next phase - tolerance for all and the importance of caring for each other. You're a born healer and your healing may take the form of writing, composing, painting, or sculpting - reaching others by truly connecting to them. You'll be learning how to let go, to surrender the self for greater good. Career/vocation options include the arts, international business, education, and health - any line of work designed to help, heal, or humanize.
He looked up from his notes when she started to read out. After listening to both of the descriptions carefully, he shook his head.
"Education is the last thing I'll ever think as a purpose in life." Though, come to think about it, he did love educating people. He'd educated Marie and Mina so far, but both about his passion--football. He didn't want any else education besides that. But... now that he really thought about it... it might be true. He was usually discerning. Hmm... something to think about before saying true or wrong.
Life path number was more accurate, he seemed to have a balanced life in the future. He was caring, yes, and he liked to give. He nodded along. He was caring, and all that stuff. He waited for a few seconds to hear her prediction, which never came. He shrugged. Guess he had to do his own interpret about himself.
"Well, besides that educating and services thing, it's all correct." Like magic would do any wrong. He decided to show her her numbers. Holding his notebook in an angle she could see, he told his interpretation.
"Yeah, so you have to do some learning to reach to your goal." Snort. Of course she had to learn stuff to reach her goal.
"Erm... you want your name to be remembered. You're also a very caring person, so I'd say you should work as a healer, and find a great treatment or that sort." Fail. Hopefully, the professor didn't hear this pathetic interpretation.