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Old 05-15-2010, 05:42 AM   #436 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jillian Hennessey Applehans
Fourth Year
Bagel Bites Perpetually kept by Erin

Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands View Post
Was Cedric staring at her? Not only did she stink, but she had something on her face as well. That something would be something other than the things that were supposed to be there. Well, if there was another something on her face, she was going to leave it there. What would be more embarrassing? Leaving it on there, or taking it off?

Wait--so he was joking about her having a nice name? Boys..were weird and confusing! They say one thing and mean a totally different thing! How Marie and Evelyn could actually like them was just plain weird. And they like Gryffindors! Everyone knows they are the weirdest of them all! "Yeah, well, we all can't have normal middle names, now can we?" she scoffed a bit. Next Arithmancy class, Destiny was going to go middle nameless. From now on, after this particular class, she had no middle name. no one would know. "She spells her name different." she mentioned after her mentioned the Potion's Professor's name. "Mine is better."

He was done with her calculations, good. Grinning, she glanced over at his parchment while he analyzed hers. She was paying attention to what he was saying, too. You know, multi-tasking and such. "Muggle business? What kind?" she asked curiously. Maybe his owned a long line of muggle box shops. Those telliewissions sure did fascinate her. Ooo, and he also mentioned landscaping and gardens. Sure, he said designing, but she did wonder if he was good at Herbology, too. Glancing back at her parchment she pointed to a word she had written down, loyal. "It says you are loyal too. Figures. You are a Hufflepuff."

Now it was here turn to analyze her number thingamabobs.


Destiny..a born leader? Yeah right! "No, no. I think this is all wrong." she said shaking her head. "I am not a leader!" she discreetly pointed over to Evelyn, "She is the leader, not me."

Reading the very last line for her interpretation of her Life number, Destiny couldn't help but laugh. And laugh loudly at that. "Me? Work at a bookstore? Oh this is too FUNNY!"

It would be funny if she did wind up working at a bookstore..
Woah! This Slytherin girl was way too funny! He was loving... and enjoying her now. Not in the way he loved his girlfriend but in a way he enjoyed watching capricious clowns in the carnivals. It was awesome to be partnered with Destiny, like seriously, 'cause she would impeccably make you burst into howls of laughter.

"Nice glasses... so stylish."
And he was implying double meanings again with that statement. And he repeatedly asked himself inwardly, what Fashion statement was that? In France, when you walk down the streets with that odd!goggleglasses, people would stare at you like there was really something wrong upon your face. And there was something wrong about Destiny's face. Hehe. And he chuckled as Destiny scoffed a bit, well, he--as well--believed that not every people could have normal middle names but his was pretty normal, yep. "I think neither is better." He muttered under his breath almost inaudibly as he kept his gaze on the parchment. And he later added just to himself, It both sounds freakish.

He didn't know that Destiny was paying enough attention to him while he was talking, he thought that she was still thinking about her the interpretations of her core numbers. He surely did a good job on computing so there would be no way that he'd got it all wrong. And then he reluctantly looked at Destiny and replied, "Ah. Businesses like hotels, restaurants and such. Those are all in France. That's were I live.

"Oh, yeah. That's quite right. Loyal, yep. And I'm always in my best decorum, see."
Trying to avoid Destiny's face, he kept his gaze downcast. It was just that her goggles was pretty distracting.

He thought Destiny would approve of the book's interpretations but seemingly, she did not. "Are you sure? I mean, you're a born leader as the book says, although I don't believe it too, Hehe. You know Destiny, you ARE a leader. Evelyn puts you in shade, in obscurity. When you too and her became separable, you'll figure out you can be a leader and step on your own feet." He didn't like being so serious so...

"Nope. The book got it all right! I think you'll probably work on a bookstore someday or on a library, maybe. Librarians wears odd glasses, librarians are odd, eccentric, and pretty unpredictable. Sometimes they shout in no particular reason, sometimes they speak as though they know every little thing in this world. Sometimes they ugh, stink but they don't know that they do... And you are a librarian."
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