Alrighty, here's the new post

Please enjoy
Draco was silent for a few moments. He denied what his gut was telling him. He looked off into the distance, his head still on top of hers.
“It’s him, isn’t it?” Draco whispered.
Emily couldn’t speak. She knew that if she opened her mouth now, her voice would betray her. Emily had tears rolling down her cheeks as she nodded. Draco let out a gust of air. He slackened his grip on her and raised his head from hers.
“I’m so sorry, Draco,” Emily sobbed.
“Don’t,” he whispered.
Emily finally looked at him. It broke her heart even more, but it was something she’d have to live with, because there was someone else she couldn’t live without. She grabbed his hand and he squeezed it gently, and then he let it go.
“I’m sorry for leading you on. I...shouldn’t have come. Draco, I really am sorry,” Emily whispered. Her tear ducts didn’t have time to dry up because the tears kept coming.
“I’m glad you came. The last time...when we said goodbye, it wasn’t really enough closure for me, and then at the owlery...well, that didn’t really go as planned. If you hadn’t come, I would have always wondered.” Draco looked away from her and off towards the ocean. The smell of the salty water stung their noses.
“I’m sorry it has to be like this, Dray. I just need to be alone for a while. I need to be with just myself. All of the drama this year has eaten away at me, and I just need to mold myself back together.” Emily sighed, wiping her cheeks. Emily started to stand. She wiped off the sand from her red pants. Her fingertips barely swept through the top of Draco’s hair as she walked past him toward the tree.
“Emily, wait. I wanted to give you something,” Draco said. He stood up and jogged over to her. She turned around.
“Draco, I can’t accept it. It wouldn’t be right.”
“Please. I made it just for you. I want you to have it. You don’t have to wear it or anything, but at least take it, you know, so you won’t forget me.”
“I don’t think there is any way on this earth that I could forget you, Dray,” Emily whispered.
Draco dug in his pocket. He pulled out a ring. Emily’s breath caught. It was gorgeous. It was grass, just like Ron’s present, but it had a stone in the middle. The stone was a blue green. The stone was magically charmed so it wouldn’t ever come out.
“Dray, it’s beautiful,” Emily whispered.
“Do you really like it?”
Emily looked up at him and nodded.
“How did you make it?” she asked.
“Er, my mum taught me how to do the grass part, and Professor Flitwick showed me the wand movement for securing the stone in.” Draco smiled a little. She could tell he was still upset.
“How are you going to get home?” he asked.
“I don’t know yet. I’ll either fly, call a taxi, or call Remus.” Emily sighed.
“What are you going to do?”
“I’ll fly.” Draco looked down.
Emily put the ring on her right hand, on her middle finger.
“I think it will be best if I go, Ems. But if you ever need me or come to your senses, I’m here,” Draco said. Draco chuckled lightly. He pulled her into a hug, kissed her cheek, and then grabbed his broom. He looked at her once more.
“Bye, Draco,” Emily whispered. She fumbled with her new ring. He waved slightly at her and then walked away from her.
She had hurt so many people today; it was getting difficult for her to keep count. She let a tear escape. Deciding she wasn’t quite ready to face Remus yet, Emily picked the blanket up and folded it. She buried it deep into her purse and then picked up the rest of her bags. She grabbed her broom and then started back up the beach. As she made her way to the road, she kicked a couple of pebbles in frustration.
Why do I always have to hurt people? She asked herself with a grunt as she stubbed her toe by trying to kick a larger rock. She walked it off, finally at the road.
Walking along, she heard a mockingbird. She smiled, remembering the muggle book. It started to twerp a melody. Emily stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes, listening. She let a few more tears escape as the songbird’s music became low and slow. It reminded her of the trip she took to the beach over the summer, the time she stayed outside in the pouring rain, staring at nothing, and the time she was imprisoned in the Hospital Wing with her crack. Her fingertips brushed the salty water off of her face, and she sighed as the mockingbird finished his song and fluttered away.
“Are you okay?” asked a deep voice.
*Heehee, that's where I'll leave it off

Tell me watchya think