Originally posted by Daffy.Potter
Honestly, Cedes didn't see the point in coming to lessons anymore. What else was there to learn? Sure she was a Ravenclaw and sure she wanted to win points and the House Cup and the whole schebang, but did she really have to expose herself? One for the team? Yeah... she knew. Not that she really cared. Sometimes Cedes could be sooooo stubborn. Maybe one of these days she could just come up with some rare disease where she couldn't attend class and just earn all her points through homework. She was smart enough already without attending class. She was a Ravenclaw, after all.
Then the unexpected happened.
A boy came up to her...
IT WAS HIM! The ice cream shop boy! The boy she threw ice cream on! The boy who she flipped out on when she thought she was gonna die because she had been exposed to cooties! Well....... at least HE didn't have cooties. Cedes knew that for a FACT because she was still alive! Sooo... he hasn't been exposed yet! Wait. But when she had met him it was like... a couple of weeks ago. He could've easily gotten exposed within that time range. It only takes a few seconds to get exposed, OHMERLIN'SBEARDITWASABOYWITHCOOTIES.
"H-hi... again," she said sheepishly and nervously as she inched farther back into her seat. "And... sureee...." She must have some death wish. "Do you wanna go first?"
Chris had just planned on asking this ravenclaw girl to be his partner and not expecting what reaction she gave him. Not even a second had gone by after his request that the girl literally had some mind melt down, so major it was clear from the outside. Looking at her nervously the Head Boy spoke to the girl,
"Umm are you ok?" he said wondering if he was going to have to get the Professor to help her to the Hospital Wing.
But she then sort of got ahold of herself and said it was nice to meet him...
again? Had he met her before? Then realization hit the Gryffindor as he put together two and two and her initial reaction.
"You're the girl from the Ice Cream shop!" he said with a chuckle.
"Well we can talk about that later, we need to go ahead and get started with our readings." he nodded.
"Ok to start what is your full name and birthdate?" he put his quill to the notepad and waited.
Then he thought,
'Might as well give her mine too so we can get done more quickly.' Grinning he spoke.
"Oh so you can get started on mine...My full name is Christopher Joseph Potter and my Birthdate is December 12th, 2053."