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Old 05-13-2010, 01:16 AM   #83 (permalink)
Fire Slug
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 149

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Santi Xu
Fifth Year

Originally Posted by miss.malfoy.211 View Post

"Oh, cool." She smiled. Even through his smile, she could tell he was starting to get bored. Oh, gosh! I can't think of anything to say! He's going to fall asleep soon! "I like the common room... very green." She looked around the room for something to say, or do, she decided to try one of her random questions. "Whats you're favorite fruit?" Oh, God, now he thinks I'm a maniac for sure! She kid of hoped class would start soon...
He felt like he was frightening the girl, seeing it grow in her eyes as she thought of something to say. Trying to comfort her, he placed a hand on hers and smiled, looking into her eyes, "Oranges." He then took his hand away, though remained on the front of his seat and leaning in to show interest, for it had just gotten slightly interesting. He wondered why was she so nervous. "Got any family back home?" he asked. Perhaps she was a only child and was therefore not the best at socializing. He figured because of her looks she would be much more used to being talked to often.
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